How to keep crows & blue jays away?

That's a lot of money if you get caught....

and it's postings where people are willing to shout out about breaking the rules that MUCH harder for urban people to get the right back to own chickens...

-Anyone- can search these forums and here it is people willing and ready to break federal laws designed to protect wildlife over chickens....


Even though I'm legal it would be nice for the rest of the folks in my town could have Back Yard Chickens

Remember BYC does not condone illegal acts.
This is a C&P from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department "A permit is not required to control grackles; cowbirds; yellow-headed, red-winged, rusty or Brewer's blackbirds; crows or magpies when these birds are considered a nuisance or causing a public health hazard. No birds may be controlled by any means considered illegal by local city or county ordinance."

I live out of city limits so shooting guns is ok. My control method would be to shoot the crows.

According to BYC post below, in America, you can shoot crows from August to March without legal ramifications. Outside of this season, you need a license. However, no permit is necessary to kill these birds when they are found attacking livestock, agricultural crops, ornamental trees or protected wildlife.
just because its a federal law doesnt make it right ether, look at all the laws made to keep the indians "safe"
This isn't rocket science. Leaving feeders inside the coop and out of sight of wild birds drastically reduces the chances of such pest problems. I know, I've been there. I don't know whether it's legal for the OP to shoot the birds or not, but why not try a simpler solution before marching out like Elmer Fudd.
This isn't rocket science. Leaving feeders inside the coop and out of sight of wild birds drastically reduces the chances of such pest problems. I know, I've been there. I don't know whether it's legal for the OP to shoot the birds or not, but why not try a simpler solution before marching out like Elmer Fudd.
Elmer route more fun and empowering. That aside, once crows figure out food supply about, even when hidden they will then look to follow into more hidden locations.
"Elmer route more fun and empowering."

That's what I thought, so many people here find it fun to kill, and need to do it to feel big and powerful. Thanks for substantiating my theory. Crows and jays are smart, but usually not bold enough to enter a coop unless people are generally not around. They still don't go near the entrance of my coop, 6 years after taking the feeder in.
what does killing anything have to do with being fun or powerful. cats and dogs kill for fun and i dont see them gloat
do you really think a rooster helps with crows? I have three mature ones and no crows...but I have plenty of hawks. The neighbor about 4 miles away has crows that tear up his garden, he's on the same ridge and I see the crows fly by me, we can kill the crows at any time they become a nuisance, same as coyotes. I do know my roos run off wild turkeys so they'd prob take a crow on. I do know snakes will also enter the coop when no one is that point I killed it., I didn't gloat, but I know it would be back, again and again...and to think I blamed my little hen for eating eggs

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