How to keep duck pools clean


9 Years
May 23, 2010
SE Minnesota
Hi, how do you keep the plastic kiddie pools clean, other than to drain, scrub and refill every 2 days?
Is there a duck/lawn safe chemical?
would drying the green stuff out in the sun kill it, causing it to slough off?
If so, investing in 2 pools might be a good always avilable, the other baking in the sun when switched around.
Put a drain into the center and clean out daily. That way the algae doesn't get enough time to grow. We empty every night, so nothing can drown in it and the air will kill anything that could grow in it. The drain will make the pool last longer.
I'm too lazy to drag the sump pump out (I have one of the larger kiddie pools) each day, scrub and refill.
maybe SOME algae is OK to look at. the ducks don't mind, so maybe i shouldn't either!
Put them by a pond!
As long as it is not toxic blue green algae. We have that in Oregon, so I'm very careful. It is so toxic that it kills humans and animals alike. I prefer to drain and rinse every night to be on the safe side. Plus it is more healthy for the ducks to get fresh water daily. A simple drain and some PVC pipes are really cheap. Forget the sump pump, to much work in my point of view.

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