How to kill a rooster for eating purposes?

Is this the same rooster your mother has said to NOT kill? That your father has said to leave alone?

I'd suggest obeying your parents but continuing to ask them to get rid of him. Since he doesn't attack them, ask that one of them escort you safely past him, teach you to deal with him or agree to keep him penned for your safety.

I would have gotten rid of him a while back, but as long as your parents support you, you have to follow their orders. Do explain that it's not going to get better. The rooster knows you are afraid and is going to attack you when it can. Better to rehome or eat it than to pay to have your leg sewed up someday.

Best of luck to you, stay calm and politely persistent. Having seen your other thread, you'll need the good luck.
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Just make it as quick as possible. Please watch videos on how to process. You will need to know how to scald, pluck and clean the bird. Have everything ready when the time comes. If your parents agree to this. If you are afraid of the bird have Dad dispatch, you scald, pluck and clean and Mom cook. You should have first bite
Try this YouTube video. It's quick and quiet. Or you can break it's neck with the broom stick method

Sometimes parents don't have the best interest in hand when it comes to roos with big liability. it is the OP's decision to cull the roo so as a responsible chicken owner, she should do what she needs to do.

I go against my parents wishes when I had a mean roo. They got over it and understood later what I meant.
Folks? This is a young person, still living with the parents. The parents do not want the rooster killed. The child needs to be talking to the parents.
Take some good tree pruning loppers, hang the bird carefully and gently so that he is calm, and quickly remove the head.
There's no missing, no slow death from bleeding or gas, . . . It is easy, quick, and painless.

x2 ! Already went through that....
I had a similar situation when i was in high school. I had a gorgeous white leghorn roo with an additude to say the least. I was new to raising chickens and only had two hens for him. Later on I figured out having only 2 hens was the mistake. Leghorns are so prolific 2 hens arent enough. To get back to the point this rooster was trying to procreate with everything. The dog, cats, duck, the other rooster, my step dad, mom, sisters, deliverymen, and me (his last mistake). It took until he came after me for me to realize how bad the situation was. I had been asked many times to "take care of that $@#!ing rooster" and had my step dad threaten to kill it if i didn't. BUT he didn't. He respected the fact that it was MY rooster and let it live.

Now I will say I did TRY to eat him but a 3yr old leghorn rooster is about as tough as leather.

How he met his maker wemt down like this. Think what you will.

I came home from work on another farm one hot summer after noon. On the way from my car to the front door the white ninja attacked. Silent yet at a full chicken sprint my eye barely glimpsed the fowl beast before his feathered fury was upon me. He flew up and peck for my shoulder but i was quicker. With a muffled thump he met not my shoulder but the door. A tenacious bird, this meant nothing to him as he quickly recoverd and kicked at calf. This blow connected and drove his 2inch spurs through my jeans and into my left calf. With one fluid motion i step back with my left and booted the feathered feind with my right. Seeing he was out matched the rooster alighted to a near by tree where he crowed to mock me. This i would not stand for. With a quick trip to the gun cabinet i grab the Remington870 in 20GA and with a "This will teach that .....(some choice words)" i went back outside. My step dad had got home in the mean time and was looking rather perplexed when i walked out the house holding a gun. With a "What are you doing!" all that was need to be said was "That rooster is goin to die!"and the perplexed looked vanished and was replaced withan eager fire in his eyes. Ill spare you the gorey details but a well placed shot to the noggin is quick and if you destroy the nerve center(brain) painless.

Try to get owner to understand how bad the situation could get, first. Imagine if it hadn't been my calf but delivery man's or an eye. Can anyone say lawsuit, blinded for life? Speaking of blindness, a set of blinders might be just the ticket.
I agree with Ranchhand, she's not a 30 year old with 60 year old parents trying to encourage him not to; They're TELLING him not to.
Put a broomstick over his head and step down firmly. Pull on his legs till you feel him go limp. Now get to work processing him. If you can hill him you should be able to process him as well. If you kill him you eat him.


she was on a rant on another thread about this rooster, that is the only reason I was short and to the point. Evidently her mom will not let her kill him and she was mad about it.

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