How to make a super neat chicken.

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

This is my new favorite... a "Silk d'Uccle". My Mille Fleur d'Uccle got in the pen with my silkies, and this is what we got:

I'm going to make more next year. They were snatched up in a heartbeat.

That just first generation... second generation can throw spangled, incomplete spangled, laced, double laced, buff, red, white, black it's wild
They also make very good layers, I'm planning on hatching as many second generation ones as I can next year.

Hey Fowlafoot, any updates on the Porloffs? I'd love to see more!
Pumpkinhead is a Buff Orp cock over a Speckled Sussex hen.
He is 7 month ole.

For being in the sunniest pen i have he sure looks good and orangy

His sis
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I've done a New Hampshire w/ Black Copper Marans on accident. The result was boring. Half of them were orange, half of them were a very mossy golden copper color. They had light feather shanking and a good, meaty body.
My favorite mix that I created was a Welsummer mixed with a Black Australorp. She laid a dark egg but her color was absolutely beautiful with the dark under a golden coloring. I no longer have her but have thought this would be a wonderful bird to perpetuate.

Interesting. I guess this is about the color I can expect from my Buff Chantecler X Spangled Orloff crosses, then. I wonder what colors happen when these are bred together?
That is a nice looking rooster in that picture you posted. If I were to put a silver or golden laced wyandotte over say a black hen is that the pattern I should see in the offspring, or do I need to do another laced cross?
Also, the roo in the left corner is he an Sumatra cross?


ETA: To add I was talking about the first photo you posted on page 1>
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I have noticed that alot of people have a pen full of gorgeous birds of one breed. They are what the breed should be except in the color department. I have seen this alot with Silkies. And was just thinking how cool it would be to have a pen full of really good quality Cochin Bantams (frizzle and smooth of course) of all colors and just let them breed, and see what comes of it. Alot of neat and interesting colors would come from that pen. And I think I might just do that. See what cool colors of Cochins I can come up with. Now I just need tof ind the birds to do it with, lol!

Mr. Ree :

I have noticed that alot of people have a pen full of gorgeous birds of one breed. They are what the breed should be except in the color department. I have seen this alot with Silkies. And was just thinking how cool it would be to have a pen full of really good quality Cochin Bantams (frizzle and smooth of course) of all colors and just let them breed, and see what comes of it. Alot of neat and interesting colors would come from that pen. And I think I might just do that. See what cool colors of Cochins I can come up with. Now I just need tof ind the birds to do it with, lol!


I think this is why I like the Ameraucanas/EEs... no two are the same color, so the babies are spectacular and rarely the same!​

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