How to make money...?

I hear exotic dancers make good money.

Of course you could always run for public office and then write a best selling book about it.
Drug dealer??? Depending on the state you live in it might even be legal. From what I have heard the medicinal shops turn a really good profit!
Well, maybe, last time I got up on a table to dance (Brewski induced) I got paid to not dance and get off the table.

Good money quick--------If you have a clean record and reasonable education, can pass a background check, willing to travel around the country with a bunch of other yahoo's like yourself doing things like Homer Simpson. Then check this site out:

I did the Migrant Nuclear Worker for over twenty years and enjoyed the comradely and money. Plus I no longer need a nightlight.

Not everyone is willing to do this type of work-----that why it pays good.
Honestly, nothing happens that your money for a down payment....if you do not have any left at the end of the month...make some cuts. Cut the cable/sat/fios/cell phones, cut the internet....sell the car with a payment and by something with the cash. Save, save save for that down payment.

Then be sure to buy with in your income.. The large the down payment the eaier it will be to get a loan.
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Here are some good jobs that can pay top dollar:

1. Bootlegger - Not the 1920's type but bootlegging movies can rack up the dough.
2. Professional Pan handler - Some counties and cities require any pan handler to have a licence.
3. Drug dealer - those suped out cadillacs dont pay for themselves you know.

4. Paid blood donor - 75.00 a week is money in da bank.
5. Professional street corner worker - soon you will rack up clientell.
6. Grifter - Theatre and restaurants are the best for grifting purses and valueables.
7. Televangalist - see description for Drug dealer.
8. Crooked Politician -see description for Drug dealer.

This is a partial list.
LOL nice ideas! I especially like the one about hooker and drug dealer... wait, no one mentioned selling a kidney! I have two right...

I guess I should have been more thorough in my post lol. Let me give you a little background;

1. Bf owns a operates his own sign business, that's how we live.

2. I lost my job back in October of last year, and have been applying at a few places with no luck.

3. I go to school full time at the local college here, I am triple majoring in Arboriculture, Nursery Technology, and Sustainable Urban Landscaping. I'm over 1/2 way done. have about 4 semesters left, and am currently maintaining a 4.0.
I'm hoping that I will be able to get a good paying job after I graduate.

4. I think we live pretty bare bones, no cell phone, no cable/ tv, we don't run the heater or cooler, etc.

5. We have a BIG pile of stuff to sell siting in the living room, unfortunately I don't think any of it will bring real any real money. I also sell eggs, chickens and rabbits...

6. We own land that we are going to sell to get the down payment on the house, but I feel like we need more money for the payments, moving etc. I found one that I REALLY want!!!
And it's only $65,000!!!!
But I won't be finished with school for a while...

I guess I've just been poor moist of my adult life and don't know how to make any REAL money.
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Most of these I have had opportunities in one form or another to rack up some much needed clams:

Tried bootlegger. Sold some pre-market movies,made some money,got out quickly.
Tried pan handling-unsucessful.didnt look pathetic enough.
Never tried drug dealer,so this option is still open for me.
Tried blood donor for about 4 months. Too many holes in me arms.
Almost was a male hooker in Vancouver BC. in the early 1990's while in the military. Was going to interview to be a male escort and??. Didnt go after all. Wretched morality.
Tried grifting. Stole meal tips at various restaurants,purses and such. Petty larceny isnt my style these days.
Never tried televangelist but I am a Licenced minister....of what I dont know. Maybe priest of the church of the holy coop.

never tried crooked politician. open option way better than drug dealer.
Ok, for a somewhat-real responce (but still kinda farfetched) donate your eggs! My gf made 8k on donating her eggs, plus she loved doing it for the woman that couldn't
I thought it was sweet. I would love to do this for someone, but hubby is weirded out by it (the fact of my eggs being randomly dispersed...I guess I am a little weirded out too!)

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