How to make my chickens friendly


Apr 19, 2015
Any ideas how making my easter Eggers more people friendly? 2 of the 3 don't so much mind people but 1 of them just hates to even be approached let alone touched. We have had them since they were a week old and they are 19 weeks. We can't free range them due to dogs at large but I built bottomless cages so they can be in the garden. But that one hen makes it worthless because I don't like stressing her out trying to catch her. Where did we go wrong?
Every thing with sharp teeth eat chicken. So chickens are naturally adverse to big omnivores (like us humans) getting our mitts on the chickens. From the chickens' point of view we look like King Kong. Is it any wonder then that your chickens have some misgivings when we attempt to corner, run them down, or catch chickens?

You really can catch or tame more chicks with a kind word and a boiled egg or some other treat than you can with a butterfly net. Just resist the urge to grab the chick.
You could try feeding them by hand. That helps to tame them. Also, try not to chase or scare them. If you have to catch one, try not to get them too scared. You could also just spend some time near them to get them used to being near you. Hope this helps.

It might just take time. My first flock was mostly standoffish and scared of us at 19 weeks, and we had done everything you said you'd done. We'd handled them since they were day-old chicks, hand-fed them, spent lots of time with them, etc. They just took a long time to get used to us. They are about a year old now and they are much more friendly. I can pick most of them up without much fuss, and they come running to see me every time I come outside. I'm sure yours will come around.
Haha! I need to make mine less friendly. Anytime anyone sits down outside, there's one or more chickens on our lap. They just jump up and make themselves comfy and take a nap. I didn't train or encourage this whatsoever. They just like to cuddle. They're 16 week old Ameraucanas :)
I'm hoping with age they will get better. Years ago we had a rir and she'd sit on the couch and watch telly with you and steal whole slices of pizza from your plate... ride out golden retriever around the yard...she was fantastic. At that time we didn't know much about raising chickens she was more like a feathered dog lol
These are my first chickens. Never in a million years did I expect them to have as much personality as they do. They act as the welcoming commitee when we have company, greeting them at their car and "escorting" their guests to the house or patio, clucking and chattering the entire way.
That's so fun. Chickens are definitely characters. Mine work as a team to knock thing out of your hands when you enter their run... a few of them distract you while another jumps up and tries to snatched it.

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