How to make my chickens more friendly and less afraid


11 Years
Aug 18, 2008
New Hartford, NY
I have 2 Buff Orpington and 2 Black Australorp that are a few weeks shy of 3 months old. I really try to spend as much time as I can with them, but I am under heavy a course load from college.

In the morning, they come running up to me, flapping their wings to run even faster, because they know I come bearing feed. But dare I make a move for them with my hands, they squak and run away. This has result in many short films of me running around the yard bent over trying to "scoop up" the little fellows.

Are chickens just naturally afraid of humans? Is this a lost cause? I want to hold them but as soon as I pick them up they start squaking and flapping their wings violently. (They have, on the other hand, never pecked at me!)
Might try feeding them some scratch from your hand to get them more trusting
Just a suggestion
I already let them eat feed from my hand... I don't know if my hand, from their perspective, is attached to me or not, but they don't have a problem with eating from it. It's when I try to sneak the other hand in to pet them that they start freaking out.
Treats from your hand works great. If they're too timid to approach you in the fence, then stand outside and just play with the food. Some will be naturally curious. Maybe place a couple pieces near the fence inside so they can see its not poison. LOL If they are really wild then you may need to leave the treats just inside their fence where you were. Do that a few days and then try offering a few pieces on the ground while you step back. Things like that. Gradually working your way up to feeding them from your fingers.
And also, be slow and patient. They will trust you more if you take your time to touch them. Let them get more comfortable with you not trying for a while, then try very slowly.
Sit down with a bowl of treats in your lap. Make sure they can see the bowl of treats. Have patience, sit quietly without any fast movements and wait. Sooner or later one of them will get brave enough to jump up to your lap to get to the treats. When she/he does, try petting just the chest. Once the others see that brave chicken didn't come to any harm they'll try it too.
I have the same Problem with my chickies! I just want to be able to hold them but after the incident of my dad trimming their wings so they wouldn't fly over into the neighbors house, they have just been even more distant unless I have treats or food. My chickies are 4 months old now and they still won't let me hold them. Please help!!
Never pick up a chicken in such a way that she can flap her wings and fuel her own panic.

I agree with the bribery approach for taming. However, you could also pick them off the roost an hour or so after dark, taking care that you clasp them around the wings to prevent flapping, and carry them around a bit without the prelude of an undignified and adrenalizing chase around the yard.

Chickens calm remarkably quickly when they can't struggle.
Yeah I noticed that they calm down a considerable amount once I am holding them firmly (but not squeezing). I can even set them on my shoulder and they will hang out there.

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