How to Market My Duck Eggs?

hmmmm. I guess I am not that diligent with my crew. they get DE in their coop and their dust baths. they get blue seal layer pellets and whole corn. they also get all the kitchen scraps I can give them......from left over cooked meat to left over waffles. I have only 10 layers and get 7 to 9 eggs daily. the weather is turning cold so I expect the production to go down some. my crew consists of rir, Sussex and leghorn mixes and a very nice rooster. do you have a rooster on premises???? they might feel safer with a couple around.
with that being said I have personally found leghorns to be the best producers of eggs consistently. they are not as cold tolerant as rir or Sussex. however, I have found with leghorns, when they get sick or egg bound, they have a hard time recovering.
I don't have any roosters because the ones I've had in the past have been very aggressive and I sell my eggs to restaurants so they can't be fertilized.
Don't they have a red dot though? When I had roosters I collected the eggs daily and refrigerated them the same day and they still had the dots in them.
If you refrigerate them it doesn't even give them a chance to grow. So you can eat and sell the "fertile" eggs just the same as any others

And I don't think the red dot means it's fertile. Some eggs just tend to have a blood speck in them (the red dot) but that has to do with the egg making process inside the chicken if I remember correctly

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