How to minimize fighting?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 24, 2013
So I had a ratio of one male to six female coturnix in a cage, and all seemed to be going well for a little while. Then I found a few hens had been roughed up by the male :( I removed him and he was killed for food. I have another male that I would like to introduce, but I'm frightened for the females! My cage is large, there is plenty of space and conditions are good. How can I minimize male aggression?

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Give them other things to do. dust bathes, Grass wth seed heads hanging where they can get to it. pans of water to wade in,. plenty of feeder space ect.
Exactly how big is the cage? A long with giving them things to do, you might also add some hidey places for them to get away from each other. You can cut some branches from a nearby tree and prop them up in the corners making a secure spot to hide in the leaves. Even over turned flower pots with a mouse hole cut into them works well too.
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The cage is roughly:
38 inches long
19 inches wide
17 inches high

That size is for seven quail. I already keep a dust bath in the cage, so I will try adding a hide for them. Other than that all I can do is hope this next male is less aggressive.
Males get aggressive if they do not approve of the mates provided. A few things can happen from what I understand. 1 - The quail will keep being aggressive and kill the females. 2 - The quail will accept the females after a while. 3 - The aggressive male can be isolated and then reintroduced...isolation can tame the birds. I'm not a quail expert, but I have a neighbor who has bred quail for many years for hunting and he has seen many instances like this. A week of isolation apparently can have a positive effect on their socialization? So that can be tried in other instances. As for the new male, introduce him. He may have a much different personality than the first male, and quite possibly being just fine with the available females. I wouldn't be afraid. If this male is also unsatisfactory, maybe one of these tips will help. Best of luck.
The cage is roughly:
38 inches long
19 inches wide
17 inches high

That size is for seven quail. I already keep a dust bath in the cage, so I will try adding a hide for them. Other than that all I can do is hope this next male is less aggressive.

Wait, you're putting seven quail in five square feet? That's your problem right there. Your birds are over crowded, coturnix quail should have a minimum of one square foot per bird.
You could put four hens and a roo in this cage, but seven is way too many.

Thats why quail do so much better in tractors on grass. I have stocked them three per foot without issues. I think its because they have things to do with good rewards like hunt for bugs, dust bathe or eat tasty weeds. But one per sqft is optimal even on grasses. I only stock them three per foot to clean up yards faster for a once over treatment. If you stock them one per sqft you can continually rotate them on the grass without damage as long as you have a proper sized flock to match your yard. If you do not have a yard all i can say is get out of the city :+)

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