How to Prepare Your Flock For Winter 101 *Official Thread*

we have found the actually heated waterers do not work for us so we bought the type you can sit their metal waterer on.

nohnogoose: Where do you get the water heaters?

Darkmatter: I really dig your set-up. Mulberry trees are perfect! I have some, but will plant one in the run.

I have a 80 yr old barn. 1/4 of it is coop. 30x 15 approx. It's missing alot of the thin strips that go between the boards. I've had to screw in blandex strips until I can afford to repair it. I will work on plugging these, but maybe leaving some uncovered towards the top for ventillation. I need to add windows!​
I am going to caulk all the cracks and holes in the boards. The windows are shut and we have two vents right under the roof. I will be using base water heaters for the round metal waterers. I always keep the feeder full, and will feed extra scratch and treats. I will let the chickens out every day unless we get bad ice. I have two coops, the larger one for my larger chickens, and a smaller one for my bantams.
I have my brooder lamps (heat lamps) plugged into outlets that are "wired" to a thermostat. They will go on (and offer more light to the hens) when the temperature drops to whatever I decide. How cold should I let the girls get? Fifty? I am unsure. My coop is insulated, so it shouldn't take much.

I am thinking that tarping the run will be really loud because it can get brutally windy here in MN. Do the chickens really need to go outside if the coop is large enough? I clean the shavings twice a day. Thoughts?
Where do you get black oil sunflower seeds?

How do you attach plexiglass panels to an outside run in a way that you can remove them easily? Will Home Depot-type stores cut them to any specification? Expensive?
Thank you Animal Lover I will try TS and Agway. That sounds great. I have heated water buckets for the horses and never thought about the chickens this winter.

Black Oil Sunflower Seeds you can buy at any feed store. Usually 10-25 or 50lb bags.
We live in Massachusetts. We get some big snow storms and lots of cold. Last year was our first keeping chickens. I was so nervous for winter. I caulked every hole I could find and weather stripped all the doors and windows. I will do this again soon, as things are starting to cool down. We put a heat lamp in but only used it when it dropped to 15 or below. They HATED it. They stayed outside the coop until 9 at night or later. Anything to stay away from the light. We even used a red bulb. I realized the bulb made me feel better, but probably wasn't the best thing for them. Other than the light, I'll do everything the same this year. Add lots of shavings, spot clean the poop every day, supplement with BOSS and cracked corn late in the day so they go to bed with a full crop. They have a nice wide roost so there is plenty of room to spread out their feet and cover them with their chest. I'll open the door in the morning and close it at night as I usually do so they can choose where to spend their time. If it's like last year they'll be hopping through the snow drifts in the yard.

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