How to pronounce Leghorn

Oops--my goof
I read it wrong and then even laughed about it :O It is indeed "i before e..."

As for LAYgerns, I do know that an east Texas acent includes lots of long A's, and in some ways a Tennessee accent isn't that dissimilar.

So--how many different pronunciations are there for d'uccle?

That's the truth, sistas and brothas!

I'm in Mass. too and was born and raised here, but always said "Leg-horn" probably because I watched cartoons on TV and the rooster character "Foghorn Leghorn" was pronounced "Leg-horn." I didn't learn to say "leg-ern" until I went to agricultural college and got my pronunciation corrected by my poultry science professah.
OMG I know I met that guy at the Crossville swap!!!!!!! LOL, some of those old guys sure have a strange twist on breed names.

Dominikers - barn rocks, barrocks (one word), and some I still haven't sorted out!

Then again many of my new friends ummmm have access to someone who knows someone with white lightning. Not bad fellas to know. They're also great sources for excess venison.

And umm Merriam and Webster = brits.

English is a stupid language.


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