How to pronounce Leghorn

I've tried to pronounce it "Leggern" in conversation, as many BYCers have insisted it's supposed to be pronounced, but everytime I do it my husband looks at me with a quizzical coy look, and I even pause for a second because I feel like I've just gone nuts, so I think I'm going to revert back to good old leg-horn, otherwise I'd feel forced to say "Foggern Leggern" and that sounds insane!
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If you use that rule then "weird" isn't spelled weird. I think you meant "i before e except after c". But I could be wrong... I stink at grammar...

Oh yeah I pronounce it Leghorn... that's how it's spelled so that's how I pronounce it.
As far as I know it's pronounced as it's spelled: LEG-HORN. The dictionary pronunciation guide seems to support this pronunciation. With all due respect to Barry not everything on was brought down from the mountaintop by Moses.
LEGGERN would seem to be a colloquial pronunciation.
I'm all for leggern or layghern cuz the fellows here in poultry that provide the moonshine say it that way... And I'm not looking a gift mule in the mouth...
You are a HOOT...LOL
Two different people at Ideal pronounced Leghorn "Leg-ern" is this a crazy southern accent or is that really how it is pronounced? I always just figured it was Leg-horn.
I grew up with the Leghorn called a Leg-ern. Where that pronunciation came from I don't know but my mother was a Texan, if that gives you a clue.

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