How to protect chickens from predators

I would instead, do a skirt around12-24" wide all around perimeter, buried maybe one inch down. Won't take so much material that way and will discourage them before they tear up the yard too badly. Use a rototiller to loosen it up and rake out an inch or so . Put that back after attaching it to bottom of the fence every 6" -12". I did 2x4 galv welded wire and then did a 24" tall run of chicken wire around inside to keep my chooks from poking their heads thru. Mine is set in cement. I added a 5-mile fence charger and 4 courses of hot wire all around including gate. Coons, dogs, coyotes cannot rip thru welded wire. Bear or wild hog could tho. Forget grass. I have 23 chooks in 2000 sq ft and no grass left after first season. They got the last of it in Oct. I toss bushels of it in all year long and they eat it which lowers my feed bill. (I use it for litter too, free, smells good, works good, and chooks love to eat it.)

My coop is Ft McCluck and would take a bull elephant or hippo to breach it. Two lines of defence is always best in case one fails you still have the other. So I always lock down my coop at dusk. No losses yet. Of course, in daytime, I only have the 6 ft electrified fence to keep them safe. Most pred attacks are at night for 4-legged critters, excepting hawks and dogs.

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