How to RAISE a good rooster.

I’m down to 10 cockerels from 15 now, and there’s a whole range of behaviors going on from them. One of my favorites (who I thought was a hen and handled quite a bit as a chick) has turned out to be a jerk. I’m hoping he will mellow out but right now he’s definitely showing human aggression signs. He flies at me, tries to flog my legs, bites, raises his hackles and attacks. I’m hoping he will calm down by winter so I can keep him, he also tries to attack the other guys if he is outside. I may well have to cull him. They are all about 6 months old now.

Another has become a pet, he is sweet and likes cuddles. I never intended to have a pet roo, but he’s certainly turning into one. I also got a perfect out of the shell boy, who it only took a little training to teach that I’m not a target, threat, or other wise. I can pick him up if needed and he is calm, he respects me in the pen, and is really decent with the ladies. First thing in the morning he is a little randy, but not a problem.

I really think it comes down mostly to the individual bird. Sure there are things that will affect their behavior, but I think each individual has to find what works for them and their bird. I’m planning on putting my little jerk in with some more mature hens, hopefully that helps him some. I’ve handled my interactions with all of them essentially the same way, and gotten some very different results with each bird. Most of the rest are somewhere between slight jerks and respectful. 4 jerks already went to freezer camp, and there may be a few more yet to join them.

Lots of good info in this thread!
Again I will have to disagree. Some breeds are more docile than flighty but aggression is an individual aspect that you cannot pigeonholed on an entire breed.
I suppose you will have to reread what I posted as well. I said how aggressive. Gamefowl are capable of being far more aggressive than any layer rooster. I also said any individual is capable of being aggressive.
I suppose you will have to reread what I posted as well. I said how aggressive. Gamefowl are capable of being far more aggressive than any layer rooster. I also said any individual is capable of being aggressive.
That is still stating that breed plays apart of aggression. It is left to the individual animal, as we both agree, to be determined if it is aggressive. Gamefowl are considered more flighty than some other breeds but to say they can be more aggressive is a matter of opinion.

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