How to RAISE a good rooster.

That is still stating that breed plays apart of aggression. It is left to the individual animal, as we both agree, to be determined if it is aggressive. Gamefowl are considered more flighty than some other breeds but to say they can be more aggressive is a matter of opinion.
Gamefowl are absolutely not more flighty than other breeds. I couldn’t disagree with you more.
Then leave it at that. You have an opinion as do I. Neither one of us can systematically prove otherwise that the other is wrong.
I have a yard full of gamefowl and I’ve owned plenty of other layer roosters over the years. I’ll leave it alone unless you’d like to pm me.
Of my five Barnvelders, one is borderline aggressive, two are flighty, and two are quite good so far. My now frozen jerks were hybrid Crested Cream Legbar/Leghorn crosses, and my Ameraucana/Marans Cross is the worst so far. But my sweet little pet boy is also a CCL/LH. So although breed probably has a large impact on it, I’m really thinking it’s mostly individual temperament.
This is one reason I don't keep roosters. They are unpredictable when it comes to temperament, more so than hens in my limited experience. I have had them but they really contribute nothing to my small flock dynamics & provided way too much aggression. Mine were Wyandottes & jerks doesn't even begin to describe their antics!
I think there is a world of difference in roosters and the size of the set up. If you have 15 roosters, I am going to assume that you are not in a small back yard set up. I think the original poster might be.

Roosters take space. If you just have small set up, of less than a dozen hens. And this is your first time with chickens, I recommend an all hen flock.

To me, the op, sounds like a child, who may also have siblings. If all of them are sharing the backyard, a rooster can be a problem. It is one thing for an adult to take a flogging in a free range situation, and a child confined with an aggressive adult rooster in a small yard.

So to the op - Roosters are not like puppies and kittens, whereas if you are nice to them, they will be nice to you. Chickens, hens included, meet each bird with one above and one below in the pecking order. When you cuddle and preen your rooster, have it sit on your lap, to me, you are taking on the under-bird position. As the rooster grows into his own, he has no fear of you. In chicken speak, that means no respect for your space. Often times these spoiled darlings become the nightmare.

So I am with the hands off approach. He should respectfully give your space of 5-10 feet, giving way as you move. However, if he starts to glare at you, if he puffs up at you, if he starts to sneak around back of you, those are signs that many people new to chickens do not recognize.

If you were my child, I would not recommend you keep a rooster for a couple of years. Roosters have ruined the whole chicken experience for a lot of people.

Mrs K
It is true that I am a kid. I also have a younger sibling. I didn't want this rooster, he was supposed to be a hen. Now that I have one though, I want to raise him properly so that I can avoid any possible harm to myself or my family. I will follow your advice and not cuddle him anymore, teach him to respect me. If he doesn't, into the stew pot he goes.

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