How to RAISE a good rooster.

It has literally taken me all day to finish this thread...yes, every single post. I must say though, after my morning time reading session, the rest of the day and evening was intermittent, until now. :th I’m tired, but this has been one of the most educational reads in a long time, despite what some may say.

To @LikeTurkeys, I commend you for being as mature as you are at your age. Heck, some my age (and I’m pert near old) aren’t as mature as you. Your gumption and intellect will take you far, young lady! Your parents should be extremely proud of you.

Now whether or not this particular cockerel makes the cut or not (no pun intended), there will be more for you to make into the rooster you want and deserve. Given your start, I cannot wait to see the things you accomplish with poultry when you are my age. ;) (PS I won’t be around that long, but you know what I’m saying.) I wish you all the best with your poultry endeavor and know for certain, given all this wonderful information you’ve received, that you will do what is best for you and your family regarding your little cockerel. Your birds are very lucky to have an owner like you!
It has literally taken me all day to finish this thread...yes, every single post. I must say though, after my morning time reading session, the rest of the day and evening was intermittent, until now. :th I’m tired, but this has been one of the most educational reads in a long time, despite what some may say.

To @LikeTurkeys, I commend you for being as mature as you are at your age. Heck, some my age (and I’m pert near old) aren’t as mature as you. Your gumption and intellect will take you far, young lady! Your parents should be extremely proud of you.

Now whether or not this particular cockerel makes the cut or not (no pun intended), there will be more for you to make into the rooster you want and deserve. Given your start, I cannot wait to see the things you accomplish with poultry when you are my age. ;) (PS I won’t be around that long, but you know what I’m saying.) I wish you all the best with your poultry endeavor and know for certain, given all this wonderful information you’ve received, that you will do what is best for you and your family regarding your little cockerel. Your birds are very lucky to have an owner like you!

Thanks... Thanks a lot.
Good info, thanks so much. I'm still uncertain who's male & who's female, but was told by someone who "was raised as a farmer" that I have 3 roosters, but they're still only maybe 3-4 weeks at max so time will tell....

I do not over handle any of my chicks. I pick them up and move them outside and back in daily. I don't pet them. They all run from me when younger if I'm trying to catch them, but they learn quickly to run to me because of a daily helping of scrambled eggs which they love. I find food tames them quicker than handling.

When I order chicks I know which breeds are my roosters. Generally by 3-4 weeks I can start to tell which are the boys by comb development and behaviors if I have pullets in those breeds.

I don't generally start moving boys away from me until they start to sexually mature and they start harassing the pullet. That's when I start to teach them to stay back a respectful distance, and I make sure they move off when I come forward.

Occasionally a younger male chick is too forward so I will start teach them to stay back younger by catching them if they come up and restraining them for a bit.
I really wish I'd have done my research and talked to @BantyChooks the second I realized I had roosters. I was too late and after talking to her, I realized I had done the exact opposite of everything she had said to do. All three of my roosters ended up being aggressive. :oops:
Unfortunately you sound like me. I want a rooster so bad I think I’m jinxing myself. I am working with two right now that I hope at least one makes it. Two would be better, provided they’re no “man-killer.” :lau

I wish you all the luck you need when you decide to try another. :)
Unfortunately you sound like me. I want a rooster so bad I think I’m jinxing myself. I am working with two right now that I hope at least one makes it. Two would be better, provided they’re no “man-killer.” :lau

I wish you all the luck you need when you decide to try another. :)
I might be scarred for life, I don't know if there'll be another :lau.
I actually had a nightmare last night that I had to walk through a field of a bunch of roosters and I was trying so hard to not make eye contact or pay much attention to them.:oops:
I hope you have more success than me!! Don't give up!
I actually had a nightmare last night that I had to walk through a field of a bunch of roosters and I was trying so hard to not make eye contact or pay much attention to them.

This is hilarious.

All the things you read say just that: No eye contact; Don’t pay much attention to them. What in the world are you supposed to do? Stare into the sky and whistle while you walk? :lau:lau I feel like I have.

Oh, and another thing I was told was not to carry a stick or something with me when I’m out and about. What? Are you crazy? That’s my only protection! I’m supposed to walk with confidence, that’s all. Well, I do walk with confidence...that I’m gonna be attacked by this known criminal!

I’m no beauty queen and have several scars on my hands, arms and legs from cuts and such (mostly barbed wire), but I definitely don’t want the cuts that go to the bone. :eek: Really!

But on another note, I am acting much different with these two than I did with the others. So far, so good. :fl

I have had a total of thirteen of these crazy male birds. Six have already been slaughtered, two I’m hoping work out, and another five in the “holding pen” until this weekend. They will be 16 weeks old and old enough to meet their maker and make a decent meal.

Yes, I incubated 8 eggs and 7 were male. :barnie Yep, that’s my kind of luck.

I do hope your nightmares stop and you try again for that very elusive thing called a “nice cockerel.” Do they really exist?:gig
This is hilarious.

All the things you read say just that: No eye contact; Don’t pay much attention to them. What in the world are you supposed to do? Stare into the sky and whistle while you walk? :lau:lau I feel like I have.

Oh, and another thing I was told was not to carry a stick or something with me when I’m out and about. What? Are you crazy? That’s my only protection! I’m supposed to walk with confidence, that’s all. Well, I do walk with confidence...that I’m gonna be attacked by this known criminal!

I’m no beauty queen and have several scars on my hands, arms and legs from cuts and such (mostly barbed wire), but I definitely don’t want the cuts that go to the bone. :eek: Really!

I do hope your nightmares stop and you try again for that very elusive thing called a “nice cockerel.” Do they really exist?:gig


"Just ignore them" they say
"It'll be fine!" they say...
Nope. Not gonna happen.

I've heard nice ones exist but i've never seen a unicorn, nor have seen this other fantasy creature. :old

... the most embarrassing part of this nightmare, is that the roosters were all BANTAMS :duc. Probably because 2 of mine were banties and I grew up being chased by my friend's psycho mini something.
It's like a chicken napoleon complex, I swear!

"Just ignore them" they say
"It'll be fine!" they say...
Nope. Not gonna happen.

I've heard nice ones exist but i've never seen a unicorn, nor have seen this other fantasy creature. :old

... the most embarrassing part of this nightmare, is that the roosters were all BANTAMS :duc. Probably because 2 of mine were banties and I grew up being chased by my friend's psycho mini something.
It's like a chicken napoleon complex, I swear!
I agree about this Napoleon complex thing. And, you are absolutely hilarious!
Another thought occurs. I recently dispatched a beautiful Isbar rooster for an entirely different reason. He was fine with me. Not aggressive at all. He'd dance at me a little, but I'd just tell him I wasn't into him and he'd back off.
My issue with him was that he would NOT leave my Bantam hens alone, and he was really rough on the standard hens as well and ended up injuring one of them. The hen he injured was terrified of him. The Bantams were terrorized. I picked him up and carted him around a lot. Again, he was fine with me. He was a good rooster in many other ways, but I couldn't tolerate him mistreating and damaging my layer hens. They seem much more at ease without him around.
He died well, and tasted delicious.

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