How to RAISE a good rooster.

How do you raise a good rooster?
You do nothing, yep not a blessed thing.
With a truly good male it simply isn't necessary, thank goodness!
I wouldn't TRY to raise a good rooster even for S&G, it would be exhausting for me and confusing at best for the rooster.:)
How do you raise a good rooster?
You do nothing, yep not a blessed thing.
With a truly good male it simply isn't necessary, thank goodness!
I wouldn't TRY to raise a good rooster even for S&G, it would be exhausting for me and confusing at best for the rooster.:)

But if you don't have a truly good male; only a so-so one that could become aggressive without efforts from you, how would you proceed?
This is just my observation with males that iv'e had. You should never be faced with that issue.
In fact the only times iv'e ever seen one become more aggressive was when human efforts were introduced in order to solve problems that really were not even problematic.
Even a wishy washy boy isn't thinking about you being something he should deal with until you make it a point to show him otherwise.
They just want to be the rooster and yeah they will get savage to do just that.
Normally the only ones this would concern is other roosters.
Ironically the majority of corrective techniques advised will make you be seen as a big, weird, rooster.
Even if he seems to let you be the boss, it is in his natural drive to overthrow you when chances are it never crossed his mind before. :)
But if you don't have a truly good male; only a so-so one that could become aggressive without efforts from you, how would you proceed?
I have a ton of cockerels.Sucks knowing I’m gonna have to get rid of majority and I’m attached.But watching them grow into their bodies and personality is fun.I too handle my roosters fairly often and often make great pets out of them.
My roosters are usually pretty cool but occasionally when I'm about to distribute treats and the hens are all getting excited, a young roo might give me a little bite on the leg.
I will immediately pick him up and coo at him and pet him and stroke him.
It's all love but it also sends the message that I completely dominate him.
Yes! This is a perfect system! When I first got my show roo he was adult and had a pecking problem, I did this and he cleaned right up and was my best buddy
"... a young roo might give me a little bite on the leg.
I will immediately pick him up and coo at him and pet him and stroke him.
It's all love but it also sends the message that I completely dominate him."

I like this! I haven't read this entire thread, but after the first few pages it was clear that the most common advice was - don't interact with the roosters - just leave them alone, and keep your space.

I had a rooster that escaped from a local cock fighting ring, and I rescued. He was already used to being picked up. I spent a lot of time handling him, and he and I were buds. He only tried to be aggressive to me once, and I physically reprimanded him. He was a very "soft" dispositioned individual, and that correction was way more than what was needed, and he feared me for weeks after that and I had to rebuild his trust.

I guess point is - every individual is just that - and individual. Some are soft dispositioned, some aggressive - by nature. They should be dealt with, as appropriate for them. But I prefer a hands-on approach with my chickens, and I want a bond - along with respect - with all of them. I think you can be hands-on and still have a respectful relationship with roosters.
You need to pet and hug him as much as you can or he will not be nice.

Give him a treat every time you go in there. That lets him know you are nice.
This does not ensure a good, non-human aggressive rooster. They don't care if you're "nice". There are many, many posts here on BYC about how the hand-raised, coddled rooster has suddenly turned into a monster. Please read them. Just curious - how many roosters have you raised this way?
This does not ensure a good, non-human aggressive rooster. They don't care if you're "nice". There are many, many posts here on BYC about how the hand-raised, coddled rooster has suddenly turned into a monster. Please read them. Just curious - how many roosters have you raised this way?

And I’m sorry you don’t agree on my roo raising but this way works, and how do you know it doesn’t work? Have you ever tried it?

Hope you have a great day @bobbi-j

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