How to raise Quail questions?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 6, 2013
I was going to get some coturnix quail I was wondering how moch do you feed per quail?
How many times a day do you feed it?
What kinda food?
And if I was going to get some valley quail would it use the same principal as coturnix

Most standard size adult quail eat only a few ounces per day. However they have a tendency to waste their food by knocking it out of their feeder and it drops through the floor of the cage (assuming you have a wire floor in your cage). I favor a chick feeder since it has small holes for access and prevents knocking out too much food. Always keep food in the feeder. I usually refill the feeder once per day, before it gets empty. Always have adequate amounts of fresh water available and remove any droppings that might find their way into it.

Game bird crumbles is a good choice for quail feed. There are several types but you should choose one with no less than 20% protein. Turkey starter and grower crumbles is also an acceptable substitute. I also feed small amounts of meal worms and garden produce. Remove any uneaten produce after an hour or so. No need to give them too much since they sometimes lose interest in it. Captive quail of all varieties will thrive on a good game bird crumble diet. Provide treats for them daily. You will soon find the fruits and produce they like. They will see you coming with treats and peck it from your fingers when offered to them. My Coturnix quail do, at least.

Best of luck,
Before I start: A warm welcome to both of you here on the Quail forum on BYC!
Another thing to consider is "how many quail do you intend on getting?" Currently, I have 30 full grown JMF Texas A&Ms kept in 7 different cages, and I go through a 50 lb bag every 3 weeks or so. I didn't mind when my girls were giving me just under 2 dozen eggs a day, but now that the winter weather is setting in here in AL, I'm getting just about a dozen a every 2 days or so. Also, since I can't compare the eating habbits of Valley Quail to my Texas A&M's, I can't be of much help with "guestimating" the amount of food you would need.
Hi Quailboy14,

I'd like to know the answer as well. Could you tell me a little more about your question? I'll get back to as soon as I can.


Like a humane, an adult is counted as 18 and up (somewhere around there). So my question is how old is a valley quail counted as?
Hmmm? Never thought about that. They mature at 8 weeks and I've read that the oldest one in captivity was 6 years. So, teenagers at 8 weeks, grownups at 10 weeks and they have the ability to live at least 6 years as long as they are well taken care of.
I've read that you "may" get coturnix, and you "may" get Valley... just letting you know that you can't keep the 2 species together. Wasn't sure if you knew, so I thought I'd pass that along.
Hi quailboy14,

A study by G.H. Williams (Breeding Biology of California Quail) found that California quail begin to breed at about 12 months of age. They may actually be considered as adults before then but they have a seasonal breeding pattern and would breed and lay their first eggs in late spring. Captive birds may behave differently.

California quail (also known as Valley quail) are not the same as domesticated Japanese Coturnix quail. However, they can be kept captive and bred successfully. Valley quail grow more slowly and become adults later than Coturnix quail.

I hope this information helps.



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