How to Safely Catch and Treat and/or Medicate Peafowl

Here is a place for us to share how we catch and treat our peafowl.


Step 1: Ponder the need to catch and treat. Procrastinate for a week.
Step 2: Ponder that you really need to catch and treat. Drink for a couple of hours for courage. Procrastinate for another week.
Steps 3 to whenever the NPIP inspection time comes: Drink for a couple of hours in anticipation of the NPIP inspector for courage. Note: When acquiring favorite alcoholic beverage be sure to buy enough to have ample supplies for post catching drinking.
Step 4: Using a very large diameter hooped net made from very soft small diameter hole netting, chase pea and cover with net.
Step 5: While in the net and pinned to ground pick up bird and net together at the wings and rotate them to their side or upside down (they quit moving if upside down).
Step 6: While upside down with wings and body restrained with one hand grab upper part of both legs and tail feathers. Legs will now be in flying position. Release from net.
Step 7: You can now reposition the bird. Always keep the tail feathers and legs together. If you do you cannot put the legs in a position to damage them. You can either cradle the bird upside down in one arm this way (for NPIP blood draw or chest injection) or place him on a solid surface (neck injection or tube to mouth)..
Step 8: Do whatever it was you needed to do and gently release bird.
Step 9 though say 100: Repeat steps 4 through 8. Note: After steps 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 ,40, 45, 50 ,55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, etc.. Remove any blood from your arms, body or face from you failing to perform Steps 5-7 correctly. Remove any really stinky pea poop from your clothing, hands, mouth, hair or other body parts. Take a drink remembering Note in Step 3.
Has anyone mentioned that stressed pea poop is NOT normal poop? Its toxic on a whole other level. And they do it every time! So yes, be prepared for scratches and throwing your clothes off and showering asap after catching said peas!
Has anyone mentioned that stressed pea poop is NOT normal poop? Its toxic on a whole other level. And they do it every time! So yes, be prepared for scratches and throwing your clothes off and showering asap after catching said peas!

I believe Zaz refers to that particular phenomena as "Scared Pea Poo". Very similar to the corrosive stuff that leaked out of the monsters in the Alien movies.
What do you folks think of this one?

That one is 24" diameter with a collapsible handle. It comes with a choice of soft or stiff netting. @birdman55 , which netting did you get on your net, and do you like it?

I got the smaller of the nets...and love it...its way better then a fishing net and causes less headaches when trying to take the bird out of the net....I havnt tried with adult peafowl yet because I don't have any that age I will let you guys know on how it goes I shall take photos as well...and post them...ill be handling the birds very soon...for I might get 5 new peafowl in so I have to get the hang of handling the large bird...but I would assume the big net is more effective with larger birds and prolly easier to catch.....when I go to a very good breeder of peafowl and he is old school he actually picks the birds up by the wings (both of them closest to the back.) on the back of the bird and they are very calm when he handles them this way...he showed me how to do it and how easy it was and he did it quite fast for an elderly guy...I was impressed on how he handled his birds and how calm they were during the not sure if anyone else has ever tried this method or if it is even safe...hope this helps..
also to add if your in a time crunch...cutler is very fast at getting your product to you quickly
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I got the smaller of the nets...and love it...its way better then a fishing net and causes less headaches when trying to take the bird out of the net....I havnt tried with adult peafowl yet because I don't have any that age I will let you guys know on how it goes I shall take photos as well...and post them...ill be handling the birds very soon...for I might get 5 new peafowl in so I have to get the hang of handling the large bird...but I would assume the big net is more effective with larger birds and prolly easier to catch.....when I go to a very good breeder of peafowl and he is old school he actually picks the birds up by the wings (both of them closest to the back.) on the back of the bird and they are very calm when he handles them this way...he showed me how to do it and how easy it was and he did it quite fast for an elderly guy...I was impressed on how he handled his birds and how calm they were during the not sure if anyone else has ever tried this method or if it is even safe...hope this helps..
also to add if your in a time crunch...cutler is very fast at getting your product to you quickly

I have picked them up by the wing method and by both legs, these are not methods I liked, but rather I had to by necessity. No birds ended up hurt from either way, so I maybe got lucky or it is maybe okay, don't really know for sure. I prefer to tuck them under one arm and hold on to their legs with my other hand for added security.
I throw a sheet over him and pounce

Hi there! Welcome to BYC! I see you are new here, so we would love to see pics of your birds. This is one of those situations where you might as well "Show us Yours" cause we are sure gonna "Show you Our's" .......I am of course referring to Pea pictures!
Welcome aboard.
I got the smaller of the nets...and love it...its way better then a fishing net and causes less headaches when trying to take the bird out of the net....I havnt tried with adult peafowl yet because I don't have any that age I will let you guys know on how it goes I shall take photos as well...and post them...ill be handling the birds very soon...for I might get 5 new peafowl in so I have to get the hang of handling the large bird...but I would assume the big net is more effective with larger birds and prolly easier to catch.....when I go to a very good breeder of peafowl and he is old school he actually picks the birds up by the wings (both of them closest to the back.) on the back of the bird and they are very calm when he handles them this way...he showed me how to do it and how easy it was and he did it quite fast for an elderly guy...I was impressed on how he handled his birds and how calm they were during the not sure if anyone else has ever tried this method or if it is even safe...hope this helps..
also to add if your in a time crunch...cutler is very fast at getting your product to you quickly

Birdman, did you get the SOFT netting or the STIFF netting on your Cutler net? The nets come both ways...

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