How to Safely Catch and Treat and/or Medicate Peafowl

well I took her out of the small cage and she started walking around clucking...then I caught her and gave her about 25ml of a warm sugar are some pics

this is her poo forget the dirty carpet

I don't see any worms in was greenish and white...liquidy.....I did try and feed her some feed by putting some in my hand and then placing it by her mouth and she opened and closed her mouth...I also did this with the sugar solution and got some in her mouth she raised her head and swallowed....but I will redo and post some pics now that I am used to doing this...its really not that tube feed...just gotta take your time...make sure there is no resistance...and make sure the neck is extended so It can go down with ease..she is resting now....
She looks much better. It's truly amazing what a little heat and sugar water can do for them. Quite often it's all they need and they will start eating on their own. Aren't you glad you tried tubing?

yep she is one of my favorites...that's y I did it...I wouldn't bother to do anything if it was a non favorite...would have did my own necropsy and then disposed of the birds...
did some reading thought I would post cause its prolly the same in peafowl...sorry for posting about different birds other then peafowl...I started a different thread so we can stay on peafowl...
thanks for the replys..
Chicken and peas sound good to me

That is a pretty chicken
thanks....I hope she makes about ready to give her her second dose...and ill take pics of the tube feed...thanks for everything and all the suport
well just got done tubing for a second bringing out the digital scale and weighing her...hope the scale can read that much...anyways I dose her with .5cc and 25ml of sugar vitamin solution...she did poop three times now..all looking about the same as the picture...tomorrow I will try and get some food in well see what happens...

make shift tube feeder...thanks for the info Kathy....hope she comes around....
well we saved her got a grown man all emotional now...shes eating and drinking all on her own....thank you so much for the fast response...I love my birds...

her eyes are open and shes more spunky...looks like shes feeling a lot better...awwww....

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