How To Scare The Be-Jesus Out of Your Chickens!

Oh, RedDrgn, your red coat story made me think of the time I went out in new boots. Adorable, yellow, covered in pictures of chickens boots (a gift). Could NOT figure out what set them off, until it dawned on me....doh. Now the boots are for splashing in puddles and I'm back to my boring, brown, fake crocs for the run.
Mine are deathly afraid of the pine shavings bale and the food bag. Anything white really. I put play sand in their run and it was lighter than the existing and they wouldn't walk on it. LOL
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OMG I laughed so hard I couldn't catch my breath or see because I was crying..................... silly chickens
Mine are the same way afraid of everything and anything new or big and scarry...... LOL
I was throwing bread crusts out to my girls. My partridge silkie was pecking on one when I accidentally hit her in the bum with one. When the toast hit her bum she shot about a foot strait up and the toast she had in her mouth went flying like someone had slapped her on the back! I need to just carry a video camera around with me whenever I am near my chickens....
Yall are mean to your poor little chickens...
but I have to admit it is verry funny.. Mine used to be scared of the big white feed sacks I would bring in to fill their trash can with. now I have to fight them to keep them out of it because they now associate it with food..
We started out this spring using shredded paper. Whenever I would get a grocery store sized bagful, I would take it down, and my chickens were afraid of the little walmart bag! When it got cold though, we got a bag of pine shavings, and my hubby took it down there, so I don't know how they reacted to it, but the next morning when I went to do morning chicken chores, 2 of my hens refused to come off of the roosts because they were afraid of the shavings. I lifted them off and put them down and they squawked really loud and got back up on the roosts!
That is the funniest thing I have read in a while. You are wonderful writer!
Yes, our birds are all nuts. Just about anything will set them off, even if what you are doing is helping them in some way or giving them a treat. I have to break open cucumbers when I give them to everyone in the fall because they are scared to death of them. And in winter when I take cabbage to them, they take about 10 minutes to even try looking at it. Luckily, I have my younger birds in with the veteran cabbage eaters to learn from.
Featherbrains, all of them.

What I like best, is when we get our first snow! Now there is some fun to watch! Molten lava EVERYWHERE. OH NO!!!!
Yes first snow is like trying to get them to cross a fire pit full of hot coals........ I had to coax mine outside with a pan of scrambled eggs or they would have stayed inside the coop all day. silly chickens........and still they were pussy footing baby steps and high stepping for half the day...

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