How to spot leg problems in Ducklings??

They are getting SOO big. She is a cripple, it never healed right. The bone healed funny so she doesn't walk right but she is fine when she is swimming!
She is soo funny! I took her to go swimming and I couldn't catch her friend so they were both quacking like crazy then she takes off running, using her wings to help her.
Oh well there are worse things in life than having to love a ' special needs ' duck. She is luckier than she will ever know to have you.
I had a special needs duck, he got a growth on his tail and I had to cut it off, so he lived without a tail. I had to bring him in every once in a while because he would get stuck in the mud and could never properly clean himself off. so the mud would stick to him and get hard as a rock. So we brought him in several times per week so that he can get cleaned off. He couldn't fly either, I think the tail is used as a guide well he didn't have one so he would just walk around every where but when he hit a muddy spot, boom he was stuck, sometimes he would be flipped upside down in the mud puddle, we would have to go out there and help him over. Poor little guy. Just lost him this year, I believe our NASTY fox came in the yard and took him. We called him rumpy. he was sooo cool..

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