How to stop a PB pig from nipping?


8 Years
Jul 9, 2011
Northern Wisconsin
So Wilbur is 4 months old, he has his big snipping next week since we have found a female PB that's also 4 months old and plan on getting her next week to give him a buddy without giving us piglets haha! :) Who knew neutering a pig would be so darn expensive 250-300 was the lowest I could find near us!!!

Anyways, I know male Pot Belly's are hormonal aggressive and he is over 3 months now. So is the constant grunting like noise while nipping my back legs a hormonal thing? Or has he picked up on a bad behavior? He also is nipping at the chickens butts! This is our first PB, our yorkshire boar never did or to this day does any nipping towards us.

Wilbur lives outside, he has a large inside pen in our barn with a heat lamp/hay. He goes on 3 walks with me since he refuses to go to the outside pen because the snow is to deep for him! (can't wait for spring) So instead he follows me up and down the driveway about 1/4 mile to and from the barn to house. We do this 2-3 times back and forth 3 times a day unless for some reason no ones home then he will do it 2 times for sure with me(if he doesn't want to walk anymore he stands by the barn doors and just squeals at me LOL and won't budge).

I have noticed the walking will calm down the nipping for sure because its wearing him out and giving him some exercise. But if this is a behavior how can I stop him? I firmly say NO to him and kind of push him away, but that doesn't stop him at all. Could he be just lonely? The nipping I am wondering if it is him saying play with me or pet me? I just don't want him biting someone that comes over or this becoming more aggressive then just a hey look at me thing.

Any help on this would be wonderful. And I hope the introductions to our new female lily PB will go well next week!


Oh and I am going to post this also on backyardherds, but I never get much response from there compared to on here :)
The nipping is behavioral. He is asking for treats/food or attention. Does he make a barking type sound right before he does it? Don't let him bully you. When he nips at you anything good that was about to treats or a walk is off. He is smart enough to connect the two.
When he barks or goes to nip give him a firm "NO!" like you have been doing. That is your warning to him. Then just stand there and look at him. If he does it again then you can take your foot and push him against his butt away from you while you repeat the "NO!". Don't hurt him, but don't let him know you won' Use enough authority that he understands you mean business.
Make him wait and sit for his food/treats. He is just testing you.
As far as getting him fixed....people might cringe at this but you might be better off getting an experienced hog farmer to do it. What the vet uses to put him under than the castration itself. Just make sure it is an experienced person. Because pots are smaller you need to wait longer than a farm hog to get them neutered. The farmer will know by looking at him if he is big enough. If you do take him to the vet find out ahead of time how many times the vet has operated on pots. The anestisia (sp) can be very tricky with them.
He is going through a normal stage with the nipping but it does need to be stopped. Make sure he knows that nothing good comes from him nipping at you.
I hope this helps. I love my piggies!
Thanks so much!! Yeah he makes this weird grunting/barking noise. I will try what you suggested to see if I can get him to stop. I have to get him snipped, id like 2 female pots and want them all together but don't want the piglets. I have checked around with many vets and feel comfortable with the one I found. He's 30lbs and plenty old enough for the surgery! In the end it will benefit everyone!
Yes! If you have no plans on breeding neutering will make everyone happier. He won't be wearing himself out chasing the girls all of the time.

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