How to stop!!!!


In the Brooder
May 2, 2016
I have 5 buff Orpingtons and 5 RI reds, the buffs are constantly pecking feathers off of the reds. All but one red look awful, one is missing feathers on her neck but most have bare butts. We have tried blue kote, pick no more, pine tar, and chicken saddles. Nothing has worked. Everytime new feathers start growing in, they are pecked off. They don't peck until they bleed, just peck feathers off. But their skin is red and irritated. Has anyone tried duct tape? I don't want to do more damage but can't think of any other way to stop this behavior. Any suggestions???
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Do an on site search on 'Pin Less Peepers'. Frequently they can be used and removed once feathers have regrown without the birds resuming this bad habit.
Feather picking frequently starts out of boredom - winter when birds are confined is a frequent 'start time'. Generally if birds are free ranged or have enough space they can be broken of this habit. Some feel that adding protein to the diet may be helpful. Try tossing them some dry cat food daily - nothing to lose.
I was hoping this was a winter thing, i will try cat food. We have been adding feather fixer pellets to their layer pellets. They have a really large run and plenty of things to keep them busy. I think the buffs started this and now tge reds peck feathers off themselves as well. We have tried separating them in different roosts at night but nothing has worked. They seem happy but look terrible

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