How to stop pecking?!

Attack Chicken

[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Hu
11 Years
Sep 25, 2008
Indianapolis, IN
I have 3 white leghorns and 1 of the hens keep pecking the other ones comb and face..I really feel sorry for my lil Sandy shes smaller than Krispy and Sandy is just a little sweetheart and my companion. I really don't want to get rid of Krispy because she is a champion at the County fair and Sandy is my girl that i work and handle with at the shows. She keeps getting her comb cut and like bruises on her face from getting pecked..I just don't know what to do..I love all 3 of them but i don't want to get rid of them. Sandy is also my double yolk egg layer which she lays about 1 double yolker every other day.I just don't know what to do to stop Krispy from pecking her. Any suggestions???
Is there a way you can divide the interior of your coop to separate them? What about your run? If blue lotion hasn't worked and the girls are NOT getting along, and you want both of them, they may have to live just out of contact...
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Right now their in the basement lol... in a dog crate thing but its pretty big...As soon as we get rid of the 2 female ducks we are going to move them outside into a larger space.I've also heard of things that you put on their beaks to stop them from pecking others in the flock. I just got into chickens this year and we are going to build a bigger coop for them to live in. As soon as we move them out they will be living a 4' high x 6' x 8' dog kenal.
i'm sure alot of it has to due with the lack of space, maybe when you put them outside and give them more room they wont hate each other so bad !!!!! If I were you I would hurry up and get them a place outside with room !!!!
Most of the day their outside in my backyard looking around for bugs and slugs to eat. Krispy only goes after Sandy when she gets near the food or treats.But their find when their sunbathing outside and Krispy has no problem with Sandy. Sandy has no mean streak in her,when Krispy starts to peak her on the head she just tries to cover her head and tuck down. One time her whole face was a blueish blackish from Krispy peaking her so much. Their only in there cage at night and in the morning i let them out till about 7:30 pm when its roosting time :\\
Get yourself some pine tar. Put it on Sandy's comb, but don't glob it on. A little goes a long way. Krispy will get one taste of it and decide that's enough.
And I agree that you get them into a bigger space asap.
You can find pine tar in the equine section of your farmer store, farmer's co-op, etc. Don't worry about what the labels says about not being for internal consumption. They don't eat it. They hate it.
Thanks, would a Tractor Tupply store have it? just wondering because i need their combs to be in tip top shape for a show October the 18th
I put vick's vapor rub on my girls. They hate it and all pecking has stopped. I just put a little on my finger rubbed it around my hands and lightly touched each bird. A pea size amount covered about 10 birds. I didn't want a lot just enough to deter.

The down size is that after they dust bath you can see where the vick's is. LOL.
Tractor supply should have it. Again it would be in the equine (horse) section as it's also used on horse's hooves.
If you have a show coming up that soon you're kinda darned if you do, darned if you don't. I don't know if the pine tar would temporarily stain the comb, but if you don't do something her comb is not going to be in good shape from the pecking anyhow.

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