How to store eggs without cartons?

Artichoke Lover

Free Ranging
Jul 27, 2020
Southeast US
I’m having a hard time finding enough egg cartons to store my eggs in. Is there something else I can put them in? I keep all my eggs in the fridge. I really don’t want to buy cartons.
(If this isn’t the right place for this post someone let me know where to move it to)
I keep mine in on the counter in an egg skelter like this:

eggskalator (2).jpg

Not sure how to store them in the refrigerator without cartons, though.
I bought a case of plastic eggs cartons (coleman camping ones) for my regular customers and family. Check CL. They are often free or might swap a big stack for a dozen eggs. Restaurants will have egg flats and if you hit them right after breakfast you might strike gold.
Thank you! I’ll have to see about the egg flats. I don’t think I want to invest in plastic since my problem is not getting the cartons back!

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