How to teach chickens to use nipple waterer?

I thought they had to peck the silver but when I was testing it, learned they need to move it side to side or under it. I always test mine when I change out water, gallon container as I have only 4 & like the daily chore :rolleyes: that's when I learned it needs to be vented so I drilled a hole about an inch below the rim.

My girls used to peck at it but have since learned. Everyday we have a game when I change out their water ... They come running when they see me with the container, I place it and they wait. Then I tap under the silver to expel the water & the drink like they're dying of thirst. We do that for a bit, it's a game. I know they're drinking as I have a mark on the container for the water level & I've seen them drinking at times. They don't drink as much being that I ferment my feed.

Yours are pecking at the red part so the silver must be expelling some water, it doesn't come gushing out unless you hold the lever. Spend some time with them, tap under the silver between it and the red, the water droplets collect in the red tab/cup.

Ofcourse it's easier when starting it off with chicks but I've since learned you can teach the older ones how to use it. Love it, the water stays clean.
I put in a 5 gallon bucket with nipples going around the bottom I would fill each little cup up with water and chickens would come and drink water out of the little cups but never bothered to peck. and If I waited for them to figure it out that all be dead of dehydration
I put in a 5 gallon bucket with nipples going around the bottom I would fill each little cup up with water and chickens would come and drink water out of the little cups but never bothered to peck. and If I waited for them to figure it out that all be dead of dehydration

Have you tried to show them how it works, "pecking" under or moving (side to side) the silver tab that fills the cup. Whenever I went in to check, would "peck" at the lever, they'd watch & drink out of the cups but eventually one got it and the rest followed. I mark the level of water so I could monitor. Now it's a "game" when I change out their water, they wait for me to return & tap the lever. The water level goes down but not as much cause there's no spilling, I've seen them throughout the day drinking. Chicks are easier/faster the older ones can be stubborn :(
My concern with the nipple system (never thought I'd say those words together) is the quantity of water it gives them. I've studied my chickens as they drink water from a deep dish. Some just sip off the surface, but most really dip their beaks in there and up over their beaks for a deeper immersion.

My rooster does that every time and scoops up a lot of water. It must be refreshing but also increases his water consumption. Drips can't be nearly as satisfying or natural for them.

So many people use nipples for their chickens, so I'm sure this probably isn't a big deal. But it's a consistent observation on how my chickens consume water, and I just wonder if I would be disrupting an organic process for them.

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