How to tell if one particular hen isn't laying?


May 16, 2015
Shropshire, UK
Our 4 RSLs have been laying an egg each everyday without fail since September. For the last 2 weeks we have been only getting 3 eggs. I can't tell who isn't laying. They all seem well. Is there a "magic" way of finding out? Thanks. Emma.
Laying hens will have large red comb and wattles a larger moist vent and their pelvic bones will be at least 3 finger widths apart
They are coming up for a year old, aart. I shall have a look at what you suggested, Rockriver. I heard something once about putting food colouring around their vent? No...daft idea?
They are coming up for a year old, aart. I shall have a look at what you suggested, Rockriver. I heard something once about putting food colouring around their vent? No...daft idea?

Works sometimes depends now much they poop before laying
I have two I know aren't because their combs have shriveled up and are pale pink. One is in a molt, the other is just a poor layer...
Comb color and size is a good indicator of health and if in production.

This hen is laying eggs.

Not laying because of molt

This hen is not laying eggs. Note the shrivled comb and lack of color.

Not laying. It was 15 degrees when I took this photo-the reason she's puffed her feather. Otherwise, one would think she is ill.

Not laying.

This hen is laying eggs

Hope this help.
I'm home a lot so can randomly check the nest to see who's on in and also check after hearing the egg song. With attention to detail you'll soon know which egg came from which bird. Size, shape, speckling and color all indicate which chicken laid it. Those characteristics hold true for each bird excepting size, increase after each molt, and color if blue or dark egg layer (color fades over each year laying then returns vibrant after molt). Regardless, you get to know who's egg is who's and only need to stalk them once as the character of egg for each bird holds. Any given day I can tell how laid what by looking at eggs in a small flock. Over 8 birds and same breed I give up trying.

Heard of people using lipstick on vents. Assume it's a color the owner doesn't use anymore.
Comb color can be a clear indicator....but not always, one of my best layers' comb is not vibrant.

You know, it could also be that all the birds are not laying every singe day....rather than just one not laying at all.
With high production birds like RSL that may be improbable, but it's not impossible.
I'm with aart, I'll bet they're just taking turns. Laying an egg every day, day in and day out just doesn't happen for most birds, even the high production sex links.

You cal always isolate each hen in a cage or coop by herself for 3 days or so, that's how I see who is laying, or who lays a particular color of egg.

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