How to Tell if Scaly Leg Mites Are Getting Better?


In the Brooder
Nov 29, 2015
Hello friends! We have two hens that have scaly leg mites. We've given them ivermectin once and dipped their legs in baby oil for seven nights. My biggest question is how can we tell if the treatments are working? Quite frankly their legs look just about the same as before. We've been considering doing another round of ivermectin and maybe switching to Vaseline. Our local feed store told me to use a product called Scalex. Has anyone had any success with that?

Any help on how to tell if any progress is being made would be most appreciated.
Just going to bump this to see if anyone has any advice. The other threads in scaly leg mites have been very helpful! Just wondering how to tell if we're making any progress.
Hi there,
Leg mites seem to take forever to eradicate don't they? A friend of mine had the same issue but as she is organic could not use the Ivermectin. So... she washed their legs with warm water & Epsom salts, dry them off as best you can. Next you will need a toothbrush and Vaseline. Cover the scales with Vaseline and gently work up and under the scales. This will suffocate the mites, but you have to be thorough. Repeat treatment weekly. I think it took her 6 weeks or so before she stopped treating.
Of course, the scales will still look knarly, but should improve as they grow out - do not cut, trim or try to remove the scales.
I assume you have scoured out the coop, perches, changed bedding etc. You can use poultry dust or DE in the nest boxes etc.
Hope that's helpful - sorry there is no 'quick fix', it takes patience and dedication,

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