How to tell the gender?

By the wing feathers. They have two sets of main wing feathers. Hens have a shorter set and a longer set. Roosters have two same length sets.
Unless you have chicks that have been bred for one of the sexing tricks (wings or color), you just have to wait for them to either show cockerel traits or not. Maybe you can find vent sexer training but it's not easy to come by.
Also, when they get neck feathers you can tell. Roosters have long pointy feathers and hens have short rounded ones.
You mean when they get their second set of neck feathers, right? Baby feathers and rooster plumage are very different things. The long, skinny, shiny neck and saddle feathers exclusive to males start to come in around three months of age.
There are many different tricks of the trade. Usually at about 6 weeks the roosters will have red comb & wattles & the girls won't. If you have one that is iffy you can always post it on here and get people's opinions. Once you have had a batch or 3 you will start to be able to tell the differences easier and at least have a pretty good educated guess.
OK I have some pictures of my Buffs. I have read all kinds of posts on BYC and I am still confused. I bought some chicks in January that were born in November, and are just about 6 months old now. They were all supposed to be hens. Yesterday morning at one started to crow . There are 18 babies and several have the large comb and wattles.
Here is one I suspect is Roo:

Next One:

Number Three:

Any help deciding would be helpful.
The first photo is a Roo, you can tell by his pointed saddle and hackle feathers, the big curly ones that look sort of like a cape on his neck and tail. The other two photos appear to be hens. :)
Is this a roo or hen??

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