How to treat coryza (or something like it) in quail???


9 Years
Dec 7, 2010
I think one of my cotournix is suffering from coryza (or something that looks much like it). I do have chickens and though the chicken coop is at the opposite end of a very large vegetable garden with a hedge between the two somehow I must have slipped in my hand washing or someone else did. I am pretty sure that 2 of my other cotornix have had it over the past month - their heads both swole a bit, one of their eyes swole shut then in a few days they recovered and are both now fine. The third has been suffering from on and off head swelling (in the nasal region) over the past month (though she has been eating, drinking and acting quite normal). Today things have suddenly gotten much worse - lots of swelling, swollen eyes and blood next to one eye. And today was the first day that she didnt gobble down meal worms so now I am very concerned- Is there a way to treat this? And I do know I shouldnt have let it go so long- my other 2 had such a complete recovery I guess I was just being overly hopeful.
Someone more experienced will be along soon. Check the stickies for the first aid list for quail. People had assembled a list of things to have on hand.

My Vet (a regular household small animal vet who also treats birds) agreed to assist me with the Coturnix. He wanted stool samples rather than the bird as a general first instruction. Since this is upper respiratory, I would call your vet and describe as well as get advise here.

Local extension agents as well as State Vet assigned to Poultry can give you some VETERINARY guidance to add to the "boots on the ground sage advise" JJ and many others can offer here. My vet tends to cuss, the immediate giving of broad spectrum antibiotics for something we don't know yet's identification as a cause. Separation, hydration, even temp, quiet. I'll look at those stickies with ya. Use the search function for the Coryza up above in the blue bar accross the top of the screen...searching in Quail.

Holiday weekend in USA.... Don't know that a Vet would consider it an emergency to return a call on it. So here is your best support untill the heavy hitters come on forum.

Read the stickies and search the Coryza. I believe the fella that dealt with it (JJ had as well with deadly results if I remember) had to immediately quarantine...I would and also your birds who had the symptoms prior.

The symptoms prior could have just been beat up quail from breeding season. I see a lot of swollen eyes and freak, but then it is relieve you and take some heat off of you for waiting to see.


often takes us to the Merk Veterinary Manual. I have used it and kept it in my library for YEARS prior to it being online as everything is these days.

Go there and read for a bit until someone else shows up to answer here.

Pictures help ALWAYS.
Hang in there shug.

Try sulmet or tetricyclin, it may be a bacterial issue...always quarantine birds exhibiting illness. And photographs can help provide you more help.

I hope it's not coryza, what I am trying to say

For someone who cares about birds, I wish you luck!
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I found a link that recommends baytril so i think i will start her on a course this evening. Wish I had injectible - might be hard getting pills down that swollen throat. Here is what I read- please let me know if anyone else has other opinions (I am not breeding my birds and because 2 of my 7 already had what appeared to be the same disease that the 3rd is sick with I don't want to cull in an attempt to possibly protect the other 4 birds that by now have been extremely exposed - my birds are pets for eggs and I am not currently breeding any). Here is the link to what I read;
WARNING - website above has UGH music (didnt notice before because my speakers were turned off)
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my experience with nasal swelling and discharge- coryza?, mg?, was from bringing new birds into an existing flock of chickens.

the native flock of birds has been on the property generation after generation for 60+ years.

the new birds, already under stress from new surroundings, got hit with 4-5 days of soggy, damp, cold weather.
they started showing symptoms, we isolated them, they were our best birds, we treated them, some made it, some got culled, it was a horrible ordeal to watch.

I think, out of 5 birds, 3 made it. 2 live on today, show no recurring symptoms, very outwardly healthy.

I am of the opinion, since we have brought many more birds in, QT'd them correctly, and some never showed signs of catching anything after introduced, that maybe "ours" and "some other" barnyard/backyard birds already carry it. I know some have gone to great trouble to cull their flocks of signs of the disease and commend such action when called for, but I do not know if there is an inexpensive backyard Flock test for coryza or MG to see if you have carriers in your flocks.

may want to treat all the birds, I understand they are pets, do what you can, within your power.

I have heard and tried, cut down on high pro food during infection? maybe electrolytes in their water? change water, litter and feed regularly. help maintain a constant temp/humidity for them.

best of luck!

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