How to use the whole animal (waste not want not)

I really want to make a small smoke house and do some of my own sausage, plus is @Sharps Big 50
  and my brother go boar hunting and bison hunting this year have a perfect opportunity to make some

Old style all metal refridgerators make excellent smokers with either a single propane burner or a electric hot plate with a pan to hold wood chips and a water pan above it. They are insulated and once you get the heat right, very easy to regulate.

Thinking of building this one , fire pit at the right hand side , wood stored under roof ( bonus ) and smoker house looks astatically perfect to suit any backyard , just build it as large as you need
I am not looking for something so big more of oh I dunno maybe 3 by 3 by 3... fridge I well it wouldnt be the greatest looking thing for my yard somewhere and where am I gonna get one ...but I had thought a small box and yes will use a double hot plate one for the wood chips one for heat ect
Nice looking smokehouse.

Beer, you got any Swedish ancestry? You should try surströmming as well (it's an acquired taste - one I haven't acquired yet).

Oh and the chair is nice too, sort of like a modernized version of a Viking chair.
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