How to use the whole animal (waste not want not)

No Swedish that I know of, Dutch and ? and a great great grandma that was half American Indian. I just like to eat, and eat stuff out of my comfort zone. I'll have to look that one up. I want to try making fermented sausages someday, but they kinda scare me Lol!.
Beer, surströmming would translate to "sour herring", nasty stuff. But it's traditional Swedish food. If you want the sausage that Swedes eat the most, that would be called Falukorv. In Finland a similar sausage is eaten, here it's called lenkkimakkara (loop sausage). Here they're made as these enormous long sausages that can be several feet long, you just cut a piece that's the size you want from it. Traditionally they were made long and looped around a spit when they were cooked, hence the name "loop sausage".
Oh, one thing I'd like to learn to make is the kind of sausages they make in Tuscany, Italy. Finocchiona, which is seasoned with fennel seeds is probably one of the best things I've ever tasted. It goes more into the cured meats department than regular sausages though.

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