How Well Do They Sell?

So it ended up being only 16 eggs. He had quit collecting every day because he had what he needed so he was seeing if a hen would sit on the clutch. They didn't but did manage to break alot of eggs. But still 16 eggs is good and I ain't complaining.
As far as selling them... He told me he sold 9 month old jakes for $75 each last year. That's got me to thinking about maybe raising them that long. Is the mortality rate as good as chicken chicks? I read somewhere that poults die more easily, can't remember why or even where I read it, but I'd really appreciate some real life experience on it.
Thanks again folks!
Edit: Just realized I'm counting my turkeys before they've hatched... Since I've never hatched turkey eggs I'm expecting a low hatch rate.
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So it ended up being only 16 eggs. He had quit collecting every day because he had what he needed so he was seeing if a hen would sit on the clutch. They didn't but did manage to break alot of eggs. But still 16 eggs is good and I ain't complaining.
As far as selling them... He told me he sold 9 month old jakes for $75 each last year. That's got me to thinking about maybe raising them that long. Is the mortality rate as good as chicken chicks? I read somewhere that poults die more easily, can't remember why or even where I read it, but I'd really appreciate some real life experience on it.
Thanks again folks!
Edit: Just realized I'm counting my turkeys before they've hatched... Since I've never hatched turkey eggs I'm expecting a low hatch rate.

This is all anecdotal, so take it for what it's worth. My hatch rate was great. I got 15 out of 18 eggs to hatch. This was, however, after several trial runs with chicken eggs that got my incubator and processes fine tuned. I sold 4 poults right off the bat for $10 each. Pretty early, one found its way out of our turkey pen and died of hypothermia. Since then, no losses to predators or health issues. In fact, I've never lost a turkey to sickness. Plenty of other foul, but never turkeys. I've also read that they have high mortality rates, but I just haven't experienced that.
So it ended up being only 16 eggs. He had quit collecting every day because he had what he needed so he was seeing if a hen would sit on the clutch. They didn't but did manage to break alot of eggs. But still 16 eggs is good and I ain't complaining.
As far as selling them... He told me he sold 9 month old jakes for $75 each last year. That's got me to thinking about maybe raising them that long. Is the mortality rate as good as chicken chicks? I read somewhere that poults die more easily, can't remember why or even where I read it, but I'd really appreciate some real life experience on it.
Thanks again folks!
Edit: Just realized I'm counting my turkeys before they've hatched... Since I've never hatched turkey eggs I'm expecting a low hatch rate.
The broken turkey eggs were most likely due to a tom trying to breed a hen when she was on the nest. This is why it is best to prevent toms from having access to the nest. The broken eggs is the least harm a tom can do when attempting these unwanted breeding attempts. They can also injure the hen and in the worst case, actually kill her.

If you have good success hatching chicken eggs, you should have good success hatching turkey eggs. It just takes 7 days longer.

Most of the turkey poult early deaths are because of people that try to raise one to three poults by themselves with the majority of those deaths due to failure of the poults to start eating. Their instincts are not the same as chicks so they don't tend to recognize that a bowl or plate of food or even a feeder as being food.

I live on a sand dune so use the free sand for the bedding in my brooder. I sprinkle some turkey starter on the sand. Normally the poults start pecking at these little bumps on the sand and start eating within minutes. It can take them a day or two before they realize that the stuff in the feeder is also food.

You are fortunate to live in an area that can bring decent prices for adult turkeys. This past fall and winter, I found no takers for a jake at $25.

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