How would you protect your animals from nuclear fallout?

Hubby isn't allowed access to sharpies anymore!!! :rolleyes:
Not to make this about religion, but do you actually believe in that? I always thought that was quite contrary to the Bible
Like you said not to make the thread about religion, but if you would like or info on reincarnation and what was said by the sages, etc. You can watch the following video

Btw I am surprised at how many people in this forum do consider the issue of having to plan for the worst. Personally I don't think that we'll see a nuclear war (far to unproductive for the elites who wish world control; I'd say it's more of a scare tactic to have people entertained whilst new laws are passed to limit liberties and human rights).
The issue of social unrest, revolution etc, will lead us to "failed states" where they Will steal our liberties from us because "your government now has to impose peace no matter the cost".
Anyways just like the Terminator said in the last movie one needs to be prepared.
We moved out into the countryside about 3 or 4 years ago anticipating such situations, didn't quite expect for it to happen so soon (the lock downs and covid pandemic should have been something we should have anticipated; specially since Hollywood screamed their agenda thousands of times e.g. Contagion, X-Files and many more movies and TV series).
Just working to be as self sufficient as possible as soon as possible. Big cities will be a problem even if there aren't any bombs (just like they were with the pandemic). Lack of food, release of biological weapons, anxiety and aggresivness in the people that have no options, we'll it's just a matter of time.
EMP pulse well my husband is a telecommunications engineer and that's one of the reasons we made our home in the same material they use for telecommunication booths (haven't searched to see what it's called in English but here they sell it as Multipanel (it's this sandwich of steel plates with an isolation foam in the middle; it's thermic, acoustic and quick to set up). The chickens have their coop in the same material, mostly out of practicity but also to keep them safe from most elements.

We haven't made our greenhouse but I definetly was thinking of digging a bit and putting it a bit under ground level. When we get resources we'll make a granary out of Multipanel as well. Solar heater, there's even this cool concept called biobolsa that a company sells in many countries, that is very simple and you use animal manure to make/store/distribute gas for your kitchen and even heating water. Look it up maybe they install in the US as well or you could make a similar system.

Anyways good night everyone.

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