Howdy! City Chick seeks skilled Flock...


Apr 18, 2020
Portland, Oregon USA - 97217
Hey all! Originally from Montana, I've enjoyed living in the NW urban alpine rain-forest over 30 years now. Started organic gardening when I bought my first house in 1992. Pretty sure I've outgrown and out-smarted most of my child-hood even tho I now live in the City - I ordered my first batch of CHICKS! 16 to arrive by end May 2020, from Meyer Hatchery. I hit a snag trying to order due to the complexity of their system and how fast Chick orders are going this year, but their Staff kindly helped me make adjustments to complete the Order at just $15 Shipping for Ordering more than I need. Their online Chat and a Phone call did the trick. They offer a Bonus Chick if we pledge to share eggs with a low-income household. Love that idea! I'm confident I can get a couple other households to share the Chicks, because all the usual local sites have been sold out on Chick order for at least 6 weeks in advance for most breeds.

Excited for the journey and really enjoying learning from you all so far. You Tube has been very helpful too. Hope you will have fun helping on the mystery-Chick ID task. Will try to upload pix ASAP. If they got it right, and all survive the trip, I should have 16 Female egg-layers - all full size when mature. I specified a couple breeds and paid more for them, and will have 13 others of at least 3 breeds - all reputed to be great egg-layers. Sure hope that's the case - and that they compete to lay by early August!

We have an adorable, smart 6 year-old in the house, trying to out-do me on a fancy chicken dance. She says her Mom's birthday is the week of the arrival - so we've agreed to let Mama Janet claim and name the first Chick! Our housemate disclosed his hope for a Rhode Island Red. Six of us share a big Craftsman on a double corner lot, plus a college student possibly returning this summer, so between us, we'll select 6-7 Chicks to keep, and sell the rest.

Our winter Coop will be built on site by Sepember - with roosts made from Plum, Pear and Cherry branches from the property. I am excited about offering the Chickens our abundance of grapes, raisins, and calendula, weeds and herbs we grow, and collecting Punkins and leaves from the neighbors this Fall. Fencing off my Veggie Garden will be a task - if I don't get a good chicken tractor built by late. If anyone wants to help in Portland, I can barter plants, seed, saplings, Mead, beer or a list of household items. Beer and stories about global travel would be my favorite. We have a Cherry Tree Happy Hour outside on nice days, and pdx Gardeners - Chicken-parents are welcome to plan a visit.

pdxJules, a Rampant Composter and seed saver - you may remember from GardenWeb, or Portland Plant Swaps.
(and Dale - tolerant and talented Bass Player- who frequently pitches in to help me with stuff...and laffs with me every day)


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