Howdy everyone - I'm new


5 Years
Jun 27, 2014
Just joined - wanted to say hi - I adopted 4 hens - really, bought them from my Dad who is retiring from raising chickens - anyway, I love my 4 ladies - had them 6 days and loving it.

Haven't raised chickens since I was little (with my family) - so I feel a little out of sorts - but sure it will all come back to me.
My hubby and I put the coop together and built a hard around it next to our garden, so they can run around during the day (barbed wire around top).

The tall one is the Rhode Island Red and the other 3 are Buff Orpingtons.
The girls have very distinct personalities - I already named them accordingly:

from left to right - (L) back is bashful Bessie; (L) front is dancing Dolly; (R) back is the very tall and gorgeous Ginger (or gigi); and (R) front is nosy Nellie - she seems to be the matriarch - always out front checking things out.


Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Congrats on your new flock! They look very happy. And you have given them a very nice home too.

Enjoy your new babies and we do welcome you to our flock!
Welcome to BYC! You have a beautiful flock of hens, but none of them are pure breeds. They are an RIR x light breed cross. They should be great layers though. Good luck with your flock.

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