Howdy from West Texas!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 27, 2010
I'm a city girl gone country. I guess you could say that I've traded the rat race for rat traps! I'm new to the wonderful world of chicken, but learning steadily each day. I've got Buff Orps, Barred Rocks, Cochins, Brahmas, and a very nutty RIR/BPR cross. They range from 4 to 10 weeks in age...makes for a busy day!
from another Texan!
Is there a big chicken following in Texas? I'm not sure of any local groups or swaps, etc. (Granted, I'm not sure what actually happens at a swap, but it's interesting to see if any go on around the state.
I had a heck of a time getting chicks from local sources. I had to get most from Ideal, which worked fine. Post office babies was a new experience, for sure!
I don't know about your area, but there are LOTS of chicken people over here in East Texas.
You'll have to do a search for local poultry clubs/shows/swaps in your area.
The only show I can tell you about for sure is the one in College Station in January, but I don't know where you are in relation to College Station.
We are just outside of Lubbock, TX. Although, we travel to Austin and the Dallas area quite often to visit family. Seems like I'm driving six hours in order to get anywhere these days! We had to go to Amarillo to get the two Cochins we have now. It would be nice to see some new breeds in person. I had to choose the breeds I have based on BYC members recommendations and google searches. So far, so good!
I know what you mean-that is part of the beauty of living in Texas, though-HUGE wide open spaces. It is funny, though, how we Texans seem to say, "It's only a 5 hour drive, that's not far".

If I can help you in any way from over here(I am Deep East Texas-almost Louisiana border), let me know. If you are looking for a particular breed or something, I'll be glad to search my side of the State for ya!
Hi there, another TX girl here I am from the DFW area but out in the sticks.

I love Ideal hatchery, since we live in TX we get our chicks fast. And welcome to the wonderful world of chickens.

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