Howdy Yall

Sir Noble

In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 17, 2014
Howdy, long time reader first time joiner, I live in fresno ca. Iv been urban farming for quite a few year's now but only have had my chickens for about 2 years,, I tell ya , couldn't done it with out BackYardChickens :D I have 4 Hens, Pepper , Lucy , Lilly , and Pinky , a boy are they the friendliest little group of ladies , heck they'd follow me to the store if I let'm , and yes they are spoiled , it really cool they get along with all of my other animals , you know its really nice and relaxing it is to get off work and come home and mess around in the gardens and watch the hen scratch around , welp thats it for me , Hope yall are Happy and having Fun with your lil farms as I am .......

Welcome to BYC!

It's about time you stopped lurking in the shadows and joined our community!! Make yourself at home here on BYC. If you have any questions, that is what we are here for. So pull up a roost bar and welcome to our flock!
Good luck with your poultry raising adventures, and I hope you find everything you need to know. Don't forget to take a look at BYC's very useful learning center (If you haven't already)! The learning center as well as the forum should answer your questions! There is always something new to learn! Glad to have you here! See you around with the flock.

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