

6 Years
Mar 1, 2013
Central Texas
Howdy! I’ve been a member if this forum for a long time but havently really been active. We had chickens, then moved, had to rehome them, bought some land, started building a house and now we have 13 chicks! I jumped the gun a bit and ordered some online from Ideal Poultry. They are officially a week and half old. We’ve got to hurry and get a coop built!

We have quite a mix of birds. I just couldn’t decide on what breeds I wanted so we ended up with 7 different ones.
2 black laced Wyandotte
2 light Brahma
1 Buff Orpington
1 Dominique
1 black Australorp
2 polish (Gold Laced and Black Laced)
2 Black Silkies
2 Black Frizzles

I think we would have ended up with more if we could have. My niece will be showing a few of the birds at her county livestock show so we got some fun breeds for her to raise.

Anyway, I look forward to learning more and sharing!
Welcome Wagon.gif
To posting on Backyard chickens!

It is nice to meet you and your flock. Have fun here!

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