Thanks for the link. I found it and have been checking it out.
Sooo I have a question. I only have internet service through my cell phone. And it has an amazingly slow processor.
What's the size of this new site? I frequent many forums but so far BYC is the only one that works well for my slow blackberry. Most the other forums I would love to be on more offten are HUGE with lots of pictures and my poor phone just won't do it. So I don't spend as much time in them. (yes their mainly diesel forums

I will be upgrading soon to my moms old Droid x. Can't wait! It has a 1 ghz processor so that will help. This might be a dumb question but what will be the recommended processor speed for the new site?
Not a big deal... Maybe I'm the only one on a smartphone on BYC...
Changes are sooo fun!
I sure hope it will be easier to put pictures on our BYC pages - that is the only area I have trouble with! PLEASE make that simple no matter what browser we use!! I did my first page a couple of years a go and now cannot for the life of me remember how I did it! We have FireFox for our browser!
Does your phone run apps (android or apple)? If so get Tapatalk-- it's a wildly easy app to use and makes forum use so simple, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it.

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