i'm interested in what's happening on the consumer side of this. there needs to be more of a focus on the buyer.

Actually the focus needs to be more equalized which is why we are thrilled with the new format. It gives more power to the seller in a way that benefits the buyer.
Personally I don't like how we can't see pics when browsing the auctions anymore. I liked a little visual sample of what's up in the auctions.
I see the pics there.

If you are having trouble, post in the thread for troubleshooting and lets see if we can help you there.
too many ads is a common complaint amongst all of the internet. please don't apologize. sheesh. in fact, google may penalize a site for having too many ads. this is an on-going conversation being had all over. you're not off base at all - - nifty should thank you for coming, and caring enough to actually comment, and consider your point of view. after-all, it doesn't matter how many ads you have if you have no traffic.
Yes it does. The sellers have more control over their listings and who bids or doesn't bid, which has not been the case here for example.

In the post here

there are more details.

how does this help the consumer?

What exactly are you looking for? The system has been very biased toward the buyer, which has needed change.
If the sellers are more comfortable in selling, knowing they have the ability to better control their own listings, then there will be more product available for the buyer.

If there is a specific situation you are concerned about, please feel free to contact a Staff member as this thread is for discussing the new features of the new forum.
Even though I am an extreme newby, I'm going to go ahead and get a GFM as well, in support of all the great things you are doing with the website/forum! The changes are going to be amazing and I love how you are going to be supporting mobile apps now as well!

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