I think it may just be an issue of them needing some time to get everything and everyone functional. We seem to be getting up and running a bit at a time. Hang in there!

I have a question, is the recipe section gone? Also, I am not receiving e-mails for subscribed threads? Still love BYC. Just learning how it functions.

Thank you
Where's the post again that tells us which browser to use so that it doesn't take so long to load? I use Safari 1.5.2 which works well with my Mac. Tried searching for it, but came up with a bunch of unrelated stuff.
I really really really want to get rid of that column next to the posts when I view the forum. It has ads and "recent reviews." How can I get rid of it?
GFM and PPM can eliminate the ads.

Only PPM can get rid of the right side bar with the reviews etc.\

Well, while I was excited to see the new page, new setup, I am finding it exceptionally slow to navigate, very slow loading, posting, way slow. Also noticed that it is showing people, Offline that are actually Online. It showed me offline after I just posted a reply, and while I was still Online.
I don't need to see my private messages in a list off the the side... well... I guess this will take some getting used to and I do hope the bugs that didn't get worked out before implementing get worked out soon.
Tentatively, somewhat optomistic this will be o.k....

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