

Duck Addict
5 Years
May 14, 2019
Woods of PA
Ok, ill make this quick, i would love answers quick! My neighbors cat (were guessing, none of my cats had blood on them and when i got home my neighbors cat was in our yard but i didnt get a good enough look to see if he had blood on him, this cat is HUGE) anyways, when i arrived home, i found my 4 muscovies covered in blood! the 1 biggest muscovy was fine, no bruises, scratches, just shooken up, Bella was in horrible shape, her neck was open, no bones showing, just skin, so i sprayed it so it wouldn't get infected, i also found she was limping, guessing when she was running she sprained it because they were chasing all the ducks, THEN my male marshmello had a limp and scratches in his skin he also had a bite on his leg so he was limping, lots of blood, sprayed him to, next duck was shaking and covered in very little blood, and my pekin, worst , FOUND HIM ON THE STREET RAN OVER, all help is great because i am not even sure if bella well live, i dont wanna lose her, shes a fighter


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Calm down. I know this is stressful. You are already working on the most important thing, get them all somewhere warm, and safe, and dry where they can rest up. Make sure they have clean bedding, towels might be better so you don't get wood shavings in the wounds, clean water, and food available. If you have anything like nutridrench you can put in the water it would be good since they may not want to eat much due to stress.
Calm down. I know this is stressful. You are already working on the most important thing, get them all somewhere warm, and safe, and dry where they can rest up. Make sure they have clean bedding, towels might be better so you don't get wood shavings in the wounds, clean water, and food available. If you have anything like nutridrench you can put in the water it would be good since they may not want to eat much due to stress.
They've been eating and drinking, just scared and weak, normally they struggle being picked up but only the less harmed one struggled, they are in there coop right now cuddling up with each other,
Once they are all set up you will need to examine them more thoroughly, one at a time. Take photos of any wounds you aren't sure how to best treat or wrap. Get them cleaned up as best you can, maybe in the tub inside with fresh water. Stop any active bleeding by applying pressure. Hopefully you do not still have much bleeding, but this is your priority!
Ok, ill make this quick, i would love answers quick! My neighbors cat (were guessing, none of my cats had blood on them and when i got home my neighbors cat was in our yard but i didnt get a good enough look to see if he had blood on him, this cat is HUGE) anyways, when i arrived home, i found my 4 muscovies covered in blood! the 1 biggest muscovy was fine, no bruises, scratches, just shooken up, Bella was in horrible shape, her neck was open, no bones showing, just skin, so i sprayed it so it wouldn't get infected, i also found she was limping, guessing when she was running she sprained it because they were chasing all the ducks, THEN my male marshmello had a limp and scratches in his skin he also had a bite on his leg so he was limping, lots of blood, sprayed him to, next duck was shaking and covered in very little blood, and my pekin, worst , FOUND HIM ON THE STREET RAN OVER, all help is great because i am not even sure if bella well live, i dont wanna lose her, shes a fighter
So sorry about your birds. That is horrible. Hugs
Okay take really good pictures of the wounds just in case you see this cat back in your yard. So sorry about your Pekin. Is it easy for them to get into the road? We need better pics of the wounds and you need to wash them really well cats carry so much bacteria in their mouths infection is def a worry. How old are your Muscovy? Hard to imagine a cat attacking anything but small ducklings are you sure it wasn’t another type of predator?

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