Once they are all set up you will need to examine them more thoroughly, one at a time. Take photos of any wounds you aren't sure how to best treat or wrap. Get them cleaned up as best you can, maybe in the tub inside with fresh water. Stop any active bleeding by applying pressure. Hopefully you do not still have much bleeding, but this is your priority!
A was in town all day. didn't get back till 4, by then all the bleeding had stopped (I had checked them, under feathers and wings) only one had been bleeding, which I had stopped it, right now I am worried about the ones neck, it was torn from the skin.
Okay take really good pictures of the wounds just in case you see this cat back in your yard. So sorry about your Pekin. Is it easy for them to get into the road? We need better pics of the wounds and you need to wash them really well cats carry so much bacteria in their mouths infection is def a worry. How old are your Muscovy? Hard to imagine a cat attacking anything but small ducklings are you sure it wasn’t another type of predator?
Not really, they normally come across the creek from the woods in the morning in the front yard, the only time they are in my backyard is to go under the porch when it is hot, I've never seen them on the road either, actually. today is very hot, almost 90 degrees
Okay take really good pictures of the wounds just in case you see this cat back in your yard. So sorry about your Pekin. Is it easy for them to get into the road? We need better pics of the wounds and you need to wash them really well cats carry so much bacteria in their mouths infection is def a worry. How old are your Muscovy? Hard to imagine a cat attacking anything but small ducklings are you sure it wasn’t another type of predator?
Can't take pics right now, phone died while taking pics so I hopped on the computer.
I’d def keep them closed up and let them recover from shock. Do you think for sure a cat did this?
Not very sure, for all we know could have been one of the fox cubs in our woods, I will ask him later and im thinking it was the ca because he left our driveway coming in, nothing big could have done that, would have just token bella, shes very tiny for her age and a very easy target, plus my chickens were out and they are chicks, none at all are missing or harmed.

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