Huge egg!!!

An egg within an egg??? Weird...
Has anyone ever tried hatching a double yolker? What happens? Do both chicks peck their way out, or does one do the pecking and the other escapes effortlessly? Just curious.
Cool video!!! I plan to crack the huge egg this afternoon. Now, I just have to film it. I will let everyone know what's inside. I wish I had an egg scale. I have no idea how much it weighs.
For sure film it, I would also suggest weighing it too! We had one bigger than that (about 10 grams bigger than a goose egg) last easter. It came out of a regular sized Speckled Sussex. We noticed it sort of clinked when we jiggled it, so we decided to video the cracking of it open. (I am trying to get my son to post this on UTube). It was in fact another regular sized egg inside the huge, goose sized egg. I only wish I had weighed it first as it probably would have been a world record! No joke! Thank goodness we video taped it!Jen
You could bring it to the post office and ask them to weigh it for you. I don't think they'd have a problem with a "strange" request like that. The one near us used to let local Cub Scouts weigh their Derby car kits, as they were building them and getting them ready for the Pinewood Derby race each year.

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