HUGE fight with neighbor mostly abt peaccocks; vent

Yes, I've eaten peacock. Kind of tough tho.

It would be war if my neighbor called me OLD. I would be like "bring it on". Oh noooo he just didn't.
I'm sorry - I know you are having a bad day but this just made me laugh. It's one thing to have a poop for a neighbor, but to be called an old lady? You should get in touch with a local group of those red hat ladies and have them come on down to your place to beat that guy to death with their purses!
I really don't have anything to add, but I feel so sorry for you. It is people like your neighbor that gives other responsible poultry, fowl owners a bad name.

I hope that the local authorities will help you out.

Did you neighbor stop messing with your fence?
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If you're in the country, don't you have a right to shoot an animal trespassing on and destroying your property? Don't get me wrong I'm an animal lover but at least find a 22 instead of a bb gun, put snake shot in it aim and shoot. It'll put a spray of shot in them that they won't forget.
You should get in touch with a local group of those red hat ladies and have them come on down to your place to beat that guy to death with their purses!

Chickbea, the mental image of that is just to funny!
Yes Holliewould, he did say that, and my language becamed somewhat juvenile, that should prove he was wrong! Old lady, agggggggggghhhhhhhhh.
ThreeBoysChicks: yes he stopped.

The peacocks all flew in from the trees just like normal, nothing gained except I'm wound up and upset.​
If the peacocks are on your property and are being a nuisance you have every right to dispose of them…and that goes for the dogs as well.

There is no way I would put up with that sort of crap. If you don’t know how to shoot very well that’s what they make double-barreled shotguns for. You just point the thing in the general direction of the animal and pull the trigger. You can usually put what’s left in a baggie and dispose of it.
You're my hero!
yeah, my dh wasn't crazy about the bb gun either, I was thinking too small I guess! I've plunked them with the sling shot and nothing fazes them! Its amazing, not to long ago, I saw a coyote on the side of my arena watching them, and they were just casually going about their business fully aware of the coyote. They have no natural preditors here due to their size I think. Bears or lions would be big enough, but they roost at the top of very tall trees.
Forget the BB gun get something that is going to leave them dead!!!! You need to protect your property and your animals. I have no tolerance for rude, ignorant people. Next time he says something and calls you an old lady. Look at him and say "I'll show you an old lady" and go get a cast iron fry pan and beat him with it.

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