HUGE lump on hens right breast side!

Yes...I, too have high hopes that someone will quote my old silly questions in a few years, and everyone will be stunned on this site, where I hopefully have a reputation of knowing my stuff!!!!

Hey, a girl can dream, right??!
Oh thank you thank you thank you for this thread! After what happened last night with the dog and the others pecking at my poor buff, I didn't think I could take one of the girls having cancer. Now I know she's just an oinker before bed. Thank you!
Yes...this "The crop is full" thread. So funny. My experience with poultry is "less is better than more". I have seen poultry that were dull and listless and it was often caused by having food available 24/7. I place mixed grain straw in my coops so that: it soaks up manure and can be used as a fertilised mulch on a vegie patch later on and secondly, the poultry forage through it for seeds. If I am really mean to them,....they don't get fed the day I put this new straw in....they have to find their own food. They don't appear to can be boring looking out the wire all day. LOL

Of course with poultry that I let out on 11 acres this isn't really necessary.....they basically feed themselves. All my poultry (cross fingers) are obviously content, active birds when viewed. Also, it is clear from the soft contented sounds they make.

Hope that helps......
Well it's my first thread and my first posting, so Thank you all very much for the entertainment and the information. Now when we get our first hatchling's the first of the month I wont be so confused and desperate to know what the heck is going on!!!
All I have to do between now and then is make a brooder, refurb a horse stall and paddock into coop and a yard and continue to try to read everything....great no problem......

I'm retired, what else have I got to do all day?

Seriously, Thank you very much for a great place to learn.
Okay, this is about tumors again....hope someone has an answer! I have a 4 month old Buff Brahma and about 1 month ago we noticed that her right wing looked "higher" than the left. She was dust bathing and flapping her wings well, but my husband thought her wing might be broken. I picked her up and lifted her wing, no problem. Then I noticed that that there was a lump right in front of where the wing is attached to the body. She looks like the hunchback of Notre Dame. This is not on the front like a full crop, but on her is hard...I haven't tried to move it around. She is a smallish bird, a little bigger than a bantam, nowhere as big as our Light Brahma, so I'm wondering if this is a tumor, could it account for her small size. Any ideas would be welcome. I will try to get a good picture to post on this. Thanks!
burbankchix..I would start a new thread with your question. I don't know about everyone else, but I usually bypass threads that have a LOT of answers already! I hope your girl is ok!
Thanks for all this helpful information....
I noticed a few months ago that my most favorite chicken, Goldie (dark cornish with the most amazing coloring) had a lump the size of a golf ball on her breast. I panicked! From then on, I thought she was going to die of a tumor! I began making sure she was the first to get to the food, keeping her well fed and happy.
Glad to know she is not going to die! Think I will keep spoiling her though!
I'm glad this very old post is still up. I just picked up one of my girls and felt an orange sized ball on the right side of her breast. I called my husband from his garage project to check it out. Then I picked up each one of the other girls to feel for comparison. BaHaHa. I'm sitting on the couch laughing out loud! Now my husband is laughing too! Thanks everyone to posted.

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