HUGE lump on hens right breast side!

Lately I've been restricting feed to certain times of the day, maybe it would be better to keep the feeder full, as I never had this happen before I restricted feeding.
If you restrict feeding, they will overeat when the feed is put down...not knowing when the next feed will be. I keep feed down 24/7 Make sure they have plenty water as well....all the time.
I had a look at her this AM, the lump is almost gone.
I often pet the girls under the breast so I can feel the size of the crop and see if they are eating well. Even though they have feed down 24/7 they free range and prefer to eat wild stuff. I always feel a nice small to large walnut size lump.
My mew girls should be ready to free range with the others this weekend, so maybe there won't be a repeat.

This lump was about the size of an orange, its barely noticable now.
Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I just noticed this *ahem* problem in my meat chickens (2 weeks old now). It's my second batch, but I never noticed it in the first batch. Now I realize that it's not a problem!

This site is great! Thanks to everyone for the valuable information, and all of the valuable questions / answers.

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