HUGE poops


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 14, 2009
Spokane, WA
I tried a search but came up with nothing.
Started about a week ago, when I let the girls out in the morning I noticed a HUGE poop in their coop. Definitely chicken poo but it is way big, about or bigger than the size of their (regular-large sized) eggs. Thought it might just have been a fluke big one, but it's become much more regular of an occurrence now, like every day or every other day. Nobody is broody and the layers are only about 7 months old (on the search a past post said that as hens get older things get 'stretched out' & big poos start to happen... but my girls aren't old yet). Nobody's behavior seems different at all, food hasn't changed other than adding some free-range. They get Purina Layella (or whatever) crumbles, kitchen scraps & the occasional supervised free-range. Huge poos are solid form, but not hard. Dark brown in color with the white chicken poo thing on one end. Could it just be that they're getting more grass & foliage now?
they do big poops in the morning before getting off the roosts. all birds poop before flight. normal kind of stuff if there is no sign of lethargy or illness.
My eight month old bluebelle lays really large eggs, and also does very big poos. It is definitely true that they get stretched down there, and as a result can offload a really good big poo!

Both of my girls do their biggest poos either straight after they've just laid an egg or first thing in the morning.

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